Greg Gillespie

Greg Gillespie

Greg Gillespie and Laura Owens connected on Bumble and met for drinks on two consecutive evenings, June 30th and July 1st, 2021. On their second meet-up, they engaged in sexual intercourse while using two forms of birth control. The following evening, Laura attended a group dinner uninvited, where Greg observed some troubling behaviors. It was this evening Greg concluded he no longer wished to pursue a relationship with Laura.

Approximately two weeks after their intimate encounter, Laura informed Greg she was pregnant with his child, a claim she subsequently revised to twins. Laura then proposed a dating contract stipulating that they enter into a committed romantic relationship. According to the terms, if Greg agreed to an exclusive and intentional relationship with Laura, he would have influence over the outcome of the pregnancy.

At the end of July, Laura “confirmed” her pregnancy with an HCG urine test conducted at a medical facility. On August 6, she sent Greg a text containing an ultrasound image that purportedly showed a twin pregnancy. However, Greg soon discovered the ultrasound image had been stolen from a 2014 blog authored by a different woman and confronted Laura with this revelation. The situation quickly escalated, resulting in Laura filing a civil lawsuit against Greg on August 11, accusing him of abortion coercion, domestic violence, and emotional distress. In April 2024 the stolen 2014 ultrasound was confirmed by the original owner as her own. Additionally, it was revealed Laura had hired a freelancer from Fiverr to alter the ultrasound, evidenced by the presence of a Fiverr logo displayed in the image.

Greg suspected Laura of stalking and harassment, including Laura reaching out to the HR department at his workplace. In response, Greg sought an Order of Protection (OOP) against her. However, after three unsuccessful attempts to serve the order, it was rendered ineffective. In retaliation, Laura secured an OOP against Greg in November 2021.

From January-October 2022, the civil case against Greg continued, with Laura requesting $45,000 in damages. In August 2022, Laura engaged in ex parte communications with the presiding judge, alleging that she had been drugged and sexually assaulted, claims which she suggested involved Greg and his attorney. These allegations, however, were never substantiated, nor was any evidence provided or verified. In October 2022, the civil case was dismissed. 

In November 2022, Laura extended her fraudulent OOP against Greg for two more years. This OOP is up for renewal in November 2024. It is assumed Laura will attempt to have it renewed.

Throughout 2023, Laura reported Greg to the Scottsdale Police Department on multiple occasions, alleging that he had breached the Order of Protection through online activities. However, investigations revealed no evidence linking Greg to these claims.

Greg Gillespie was in litigation with Laura for 3 years and has spent approximately $300,000 in court fees.

2021-2024 | Scottsdale, AZ



June 30: After connecting on Bumble, Laura Michelle Owens and Greg Gillespie have their first date (source)

July 1: Laura and Greg have their second date. They have sexual intercourse and used two forms of birth control

July 2: Laura attended a group dinner uninvited. Red flags waived for Greg, and he ended things with her

July 16: After an alleged positive hCG test at one medical, Laura texts Greg claiming to be pregnant with his child

July 28: Laura claims via phone conversation with Greg she has administered the first abortion pill, vaginally

July 29: Laura claims to have administered the second abortion pill – incorrectly

July 31: Laura allegedly administers another second abortion pill. However, she claims the termination “did not pass as it should”

August 1: Laura alleges her doctor stated the abortion had “failed” and development of the fetus may have stopped, though he could not be sure

August 1-2: Laura makes multiple attempts to contact Greg, though he has blocked her phone number and email addresses, as well as her social media profiles

August 4: Laura told Greg she would take a second set of abortion pills. However, Laura backed out, making excuses for her decision

August 5: Laura visited Greg’s house, uninvited, and waited outside his front door for over an hour. Greg observed Laura swallow the first alleged abortion pill

August 6: Laura calls Greg and discusses her alleged ultrasound. Laura states she is pregnant with twins and that one has a facial birth defect due to the abortion pills. She also texts Greg two images of alleged ultrasounds, a fact she later commits perjury refuting at court (video). It’s later discovered that the ultrasound sent by Laura is identical to a sonogram from a 2015 blog post (source). Greg texts Laura the blog post link (source)

August 6: Greg again blocks Laura’s phone number, email addresses and on social media

August 11: Laura files a civil lawsuit against Greg, alleging Abortion Coercion, Domestic Violence, and Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (CV2021-052893) (Summons) (Complaint) (Certificate of Compulsory Arbitration)

August 12: Greg files an Order of Protection (OOP) against Laura, alleging Laura tried to get him fired in retaliation for ending their situationship

August 13-24: Laura sends multiple harassing emails to Greg

August 22: Laura sends Greg an email chain allegedly involving attorneys Joe Cotchett (an Owens family friend) and Alison Cordova (an employee at Joe’s law firm), including a signed Contingency Fee Agreement for Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy to represent Laura (source)

August 23: Greg files a Notice of Appearance as he is now represented by attorney Gregg Woodnick. Mr. Woodnick informs Laura through her counsel Kaci Bowman that future communications should be directed to Woodnick Law. Bowman also asks Laura to agree to a prenatal paternity test. Laura agrees but mentions planning to file a separate family court case

August 24: Woodnick Law receives an email from Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy stating do not represent Laura Owens in the referenced matter (source)

August 24: Laura contacts the Scottsdale PD with a 77-page document of text messages between her and Greg, claiming harassment (source)

August 27: A Woodnick Law paralegal emails Laura about an upcoming appointment with ARCpoint Labs on Scottsdale for a non-invasive prenatal paternity test the following week (source)

September 1: Woodnick Law emails Laura, confirming she should have received details for the paternity test, further stating that it is her choice to attend (source)

September 30: Joe Cotchett allegedly responds to Laura’s email, expressing support for her pursuit of charges and offers assistance (source)

November 12: Laura files a Petition for Order of Protection against Greg. The order is granted by Judge John Doody the same day (source)

December 2021: Greg’s attorney repeatedly inquired about the status of Laura’s pregnancy after Laura claimed one twin died due to the abortion pills she had taken. To this day, this question has never been answered



• January 4: Greg files his Answer & Counterclaim and Certificate of Compulsory Arbitration

March 4: Laura falsely claims to have been drugged and sexually assaulted, blaming Greg Gillespie and Gregg Woodnick for playing a part (source). *Gregg Woodnick obtained the complete 221 page CLETS restraining order between Laura and Michael Marraccini hours before Laura makes her claim of being drugged and violently raped 

March 4: Laura files a Notice of Appearance, now being represented by Zachary Mushkatel of Mushkatel, Robbins & Becker

March 10: Zachary Mushkatel files a Motion to Withdraw with Client Consent

March 21: Laura files a Notice of Entry of Appearance, now being represented by Kari A. Ramos of Ramos Law

June 13: Kari A. Ramos files a Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for Plaintiff (Laura)

August 1: Laura engages in forbidden ex parte communications with the judge via email, alleging Greg Gillespie and his lawyer Gregg Woodnick somehow orchestrated the March 4th assault. Laura falsely claims the FBI is investigating the matter (source)

August 9: Laura files a Notice of Appearance, now being represented by Kyle O’Dwyer of Fortify Legal Services

• August 17: Another hearing for Greg Gillespie’s Motion to Dismiss “CV 2021–052893 Owens v Gillespie” (abortion coercion case) takes place (Hearing)

October 12: Greg’s Motion to Dismiss/Motion for Judgement on the Pleadings of Plaintiff’s Abortion Coercion Claim is granted, a huge blow to Laura (source)

November 15: Laura’s OOP renewal request against Greg is approved, extending the OOP for 2 years (Hearing)



February-October: Several filings are made in the CV2021-052893 (Abortion Coercion) case (source)

November 9: In the midst of her legal battle with Clayton Echard, Laura submits “The Gillespie Connectionpolice report, alleging Greg is violating his OOP by posting online under multiple pseudonyms. Detective Reedy of the Scottsdale Police Department finds no connection. Laura also claims Greg posted a Halloween costume picture, which she later attributed to Clayton in an OOP hearing against him (Hearing)

November 9: Judge for CV2021-052893 (abortion coercion case) submits a Minute Entry, finding neither Laura nor Greg presented sufficient evidence to support their respective claims (Hearing)

December: Multiple filings made in the CV2021-052893 (abortion coercion) case (source)



February 16: Judge Michael Gordon submits a Judgement, ruling that the case is dismissed, with both Laura and Greg needing to pay their own fees and costs incurred in case CV2021-052893 (abortion coercion)

April 21Greg Gillespie emails David Gingras after Gingras expressed interested in speaking with Greg. Greg states he does not want to air everything out on social media, further stating “I am a normal guy, with a normal job and fixated on being a new dad in my normal life.” He further states Laura tried to ruin his life with the abortion coercion lawsuit and that his story is so similar to Clayton’s. They email back and forth about the possibility of speaking, how Laura has conned Greg, and Clayton’s paternity case. On April 23, David Gingras states he’s blocked Greg Gillespie’s number (emails)

April 26: A Fiverr logo is found on the ultrasound image Laura texted Greg on August 6, 2021 by journalists Dave Neal and Megan Fox (video). This finding was submitted as evidence in the Owens v Echard establishment of paternity case (source)

May 10: Greg Gillespie emails David Gingras, stating “Checking in! Just want to make sure you are okay since you never replied back! Please, at least let me know you are alive. I don’t want to have to call for a wellness check.” David Gingras responds, frustrated Greg will not speak with him before the trial. Gingras states “If you seriously care about justice, you’d talk to me.” Unafraid of new lows, Gingras closes the email with “…You can change that if you want, but it requires being a man and picking up the phone” (emails)

June 10: Greg appears as a subpoenaed witness at the Owens v. Echard trial in Phoenix, AZ (Hearing). Laura reports to the police that Greg has violated his order of protection, but after investigation, the police determine her claims lack merit (Police report)

June 12Greg Gillespie emails David Gingras, stating “Hey loser! Glad it didn’t go your way. Like, in any way possible. Lmao. Enjoy your trip. You know, I think a new city for you might be a good idea…” The exchange goes back and forth, tit for tat (emails)

June 12Greg Gillespie emails David Gingras a copy of the June 10 police report from Gingras’ call to the Phoenix PD before the Owens v Echard trial and states “Looks like I’ll be owning a new horse farm, 3.1 miles from my home.” David Gingras does not respond (emails)

September 4: Greg sends David Gingras an email, thanking him for the entertainment. Gingras responds with a harassing email accusing Greg of being “obsessed” with Laura and signs off with “So why can’t you be a man and just move on? Why do you need to act like an insane stalker?” Greg responds in turn, stating Judge Mata and the CA are the voice of the real victims (him, Mike, Clayton), that he wants justice and asks Gingras not to call him again (email 1email 2)

November 15: Laura’s OOP against Greg can be renewed, which Laura plans to attempt (source)

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To view a comprehensive list of all documents related to Laura Owens, click here

FN2021-004799 (OOP against Gillespie)

FN2021-052111 (OOP renewal against Gillespie)

CV2021-052893 (Abortion Coercion claim against Gillespie)


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