Michael Marraccini

Michael Marraccini + Wife

Michael Marraccini met Laura Owens on The League dating app in late March 2016. Early in their relationship, he noticed red flags and began to distance himself. Laura responded with false claims, including a positive pregnancy test on June 5, 2016. Over the next few months, she alleged a twin pregnancy, multiple miscarriages, and several abortions. By August, she claimed to have undergone three surgical abortions and later said she had ovarian cancer, sending Michael numerous fabricated medical documents. Despite these claims, Laura continued competing in horse jumping, which would be unsafe for someone in her alleged condition.

In December 2016, after Michael expressed discomfort with Laura calling him her boyfriend publicly, Laura threatened suicide and falsely claimed to be in an in-patient facility. After Ronn Owens, Laura’s father, intervened, Laura admitted to lying about the pregnancy. Given these issues, Michael refused to take their planned trip to Iceland with Laura. Laura insisted he go, which he did, only to surprise him by unexpectedly boarding the plane as well. Michael has since stated boarding that plane was the worst mistake of his life.

On the trip, Laura behaved erratically, crying and questioning Michael. She later falsely claimed in a TedX Talk that Michael abused her during this trip, though evidence showed no physical marks.

In March 2017, Laura and Michael traveled to Dubai. Near the end of the trip, Michael’s step-father fell into a coma and later passed away. Throughout this difficult time, Laura continued to pressure Michael about their relationship. By August 2017, Michael ended their relationship, though they continued friendly and occasionally flirty communication.

In late 2017, Michael and his new girlfriend unintentionally visited restaurants where Laura was present. Laura, in a fit of jealous rage, sent malicious messages with false accusations to Michael’s girlfriend, claiming Michael had been physically and sexually abusive. The girlfriend saw through Laura’s manipulation and supported Michael.

On January 8, 2018, Laura confronted Michael and his sister in the street, prompting Michael to report her to the San Francisco Police Department for harassment. The following day, Laura filed for a restraining order against Michael, which was granted on January 10, 2018. The order was renewed in September 2020 for five years, with plans for further renewal in 2025.

In May 2024, a fundraiser helped hire a forensic investigator to verify text messages between Michael and Laura from March 2016 to November 2017. The investigation revealed that the texts did, in fact, come from Laura’s phone. Throughout their tumultuous relationship, Laura financially manipulated Michael, falsely claiming he requested expensive gifts and promising a talk show opportunity that was never real. Michael has been recognized for refuting Laura’s false claims and has been integral in aiding Clayton’s legal team in their fight for justice.

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The following is a general timeline of events for Michael Marraccini and Laura Owens. As you will see, when Laura doesn’t get a reply from Mike within the timeframe she expects, she tends to create problems, ranging from minor to severe, to prompt a response from him. She frequently manipulates him in this manner, as well as financially.

Blue texts = Michael Marraccini
Gray texts = Laura Owens

Texts are displayed in UTC time, 7 hours ahead of  PST

• 3/23/16: Laura texts Mike after matching on The League (image 1)

• 3/25/16: Laura and Mike meet in person for the first time (image 2)

• 4/7/16: Laura claims to have passed out at the gym. Sends Mike IV pic from the hospital (image 3)

• 5/4/16: Laura invites Mike to her bday dinner (image 4)

• 5/12/16: Laura asks if she can give Ronn Mike’s number (image 5)

• 5/25/16: Laura mentions Joe Cotchett is hosting a party (image 6)

• 6/4/16: Laura sends Mike positive pregnancy test photo (image 7)

• 6/7/16: Mike accidentally texts Laura that they need to chat about their relationship (image 8)

• 6/7/16: Mike gets text from “Ronn” to treat Laura well (image 9)

• 6/7/16: Laura claims she got a radio show offer (image 10)

6/15/16: Laura wants to announce she’s in a relationship w/ Mike on her radio show. Mike says no (image 11)

• 6/16/16: Laura claims Bravo is interested in doing a reality tv or radio show with her (image 12)

• 6/24/16: Mike meets with a therapist and wants to discuss with Laura (image 13)

• 6/24/16: Mike cancels plans. Beginning to pull away more (image 14)

• 6/24/16: Laura guilts him into coming over (image 15)

• 6/26/16: Laura first mentions abortion (image 16)

• 6/27/16: Laura says “I love you” for the first time to Mike (image 17)

• 7/6/16: After much discussion and pushing back of abortion appt, Laura states “And there isn’t one part of me that would ever want to hold you back from something you want to do and are passionate about” which is ironic, as Laura’s illegitimate filing of the RO against Mike has done exactly that (image 18)

• 7/6/16: Laura says “I love and trust you.” (image 19)

7/7/16: Laura claims she was told by a medical professional she can’t get an abortion until July 10 at the earliest. Mike says “Nobody knows that because you’ve never gone in for a test.” (image 20)

• 7/8/16: Laura says she will call Planned Parenthood about abortion (image 21)

7/8/16: Laura says “I did the hunter derby this AM on a random horse someone asked me to ride. And then I just got awarded 2nd overall in the national derby standings for the whole series!” Proof she was riding and jumping while “pregnant” (image 22)

• 7/8/16: Laura won the finals of the jumping competition (while pregnant) (images 23 & 23a)

• 7/9/16: After much pushback from Laura, they decide on Walnut Creek at 12:50 for the abortion (image 24)

• 7/9/16: Laura mentions possible miscarriage (image 25)

• 7/9/16: Laura claims she’s so sick (from pregnancy) her cancer ridden father needs to come take care of her (image 26)

• 7/11/16: After pressing Mike about their future, Laura manipulatively attempts to back out of the abortion appointment (image 27)

• 7/12/16: Jan drives to Walnut Creek to meet Laura (and Mike) (image 28)

• 7/12/16: Laura claims she has to wait until “next Friday” to have the abortion (image 29)

• 7/13/16: Laura reaches out to SF based relationship expert for relationship counseling (image 30)

• 7/13/16: Laura tells Mike she saw his Bumble and The League profiles were recently updated. Mike says no way Bumble was and that because of their recent relationship issues, he did update his The League profile, but he is not talking with or seeing anyone else (image 31)

• 7/14/16: Laura shares alleged email from therapist (image 32)

• 7/14/16: After several messages went un-responded to, Laura claims she’s having a miscarriage (image 33)

• 7/14/16: Laura agrees with Mike she’s NOT having a miscarriage (image 34)

• 7/16/16: Laura barrages Mike with negative texts about missing a dinner for Ronn. Mike informs her it’s the anniversary of his father’s passing. She then guilts him for having not told her about this before (image 35a, 35b, 35c, 35d, 35e & 35f)

• 7/16/16: Laura begs Mike to respond. Finally, he responds “Good night Laura. I’m going to bed because I feel sick and will talk to you tomorrow at some point. Please don’t call me again for the rest of the night. Unless it’s a medical emergency. Laura blasts him with messages, finally texting him she’s on her way to the hospital due to spotting (image 36)

• 7/16/16: Laura calls Mike and tells him she is pregnant with his TWINS (image 37)

• 7/22/16: Laura claims doctor tells her abortion pills are only option (image 38)

• 7/22/16: Laura claims she took the first abortion pill (Mifepristone) (image 39)

• 7/29/16: Laura claims she’s taken “pills” (the 2nd abortion pill and what else??) (image 40)

• 8/1/16: Laura claims to be in the ER to get her fluids up to perform the abortion the following day, sending Mike two selfies and two room images (images 41a, 41b,  41c, 41d & 41e). 41c was later used in Laura’s low-budget, self-recorded TedX video as proof that Mike physically abused her in Iceland. We can clearly see this image was taken and sent on August 1, 2016, not December 2016-January 2017.

• 8/2/16: Laura claims to have had the surgical abortion with Jan and Sarah in tow. Laura planned the “abortion” to occur when Mike was unavailable, even though he expressed a desire to be in attendance (image 42)

8/2/16: Laura texts Mike a fake document proving she’s no longer pregnant (image 43)

8/10/16: Laura spirals when she doesn’t get attention from Mike and claims she’s having cramping, has a fever and is bleeding “a lot.” She also claims she has to take the abortion pill again due to her tilted uterus (image 44)

• 8/11/16: Laura tells Mike of her obsession with Tony Robbins and mentions KGO has two free tickets; offers Mike one. She also tells Mike she wants to have anal sex and watch a Tony Robbins special on Netflix (image 45). 

• 8/11/16: Laura claims she was offered $350k for her pony and basically begs Mike to go on a trip to Iceland with her. Mike concedes and says “Yea, we can.” In her low-budget, self-recorded fraudulent TedX video, Laura claims Mike begged her for a trip to Iceland, which we can clearly see is a lie (image 46)

• 8/11/16: Laura claims to have “slammed” the extra abortion pills (image 47)  

• 8/12/16: Laura claims she’s been scheduled for ANOTHER surgical abortion, as this second round of abortion pills didn’t work (image 48)

• 8/12/16: Laura sends Mike a picture of an alleged Planned Parenthood document stating she has remaining tissue. Mike is confused that she’s “still pregnant” after multiple medical and surgical abortions (images 49a49b & 49c)

• 8/12/16: Mike wants proof of Laura’s claims. Laura alleges to be locked out of her My Health Online account. She sends Mike “evidence” of this, as well as sends him several “medical documents” trying to prove she’s still pregnant. She also claims she has to take more abortion pills by 2pm. Additionally, Laura claims to have ovarian cancer (images 50a, 50b, 50c, 50d, 50e, 50f, 50g, 50h, 50i, 50j & 50k)

• 8/17-19/16: Laura claims to have had the second surgical abortion and that she will have surgery for ovarian cancer on 8/31/16 (image 51)

• 8/19/16: Laura sends Mike another positive pregnancy test (image 52a & 52b)

• 8/24/16: Laura claims her doctor ordered her to get a “different kind” of ultrasound (image 53)

• 8/24/16: Laura asks if she can call Mike her bf on air (image 54)

• 8/25/16: Laura claims to be getting a blood test to “confirm levels” (image 55)

• 8/25/16: Mike calls Laura out on this new pregnancy test, saying it doesn’t make sense, that after two rounds of abortion pills and two surgical abortions, she’d still be pregnant (image 56)

• 8/25/16: Laura claims Ronn had a stroke on air (image 57)

• 8/25/16: Laura claims her pregnancy levels are still high, implying she’s pregnant again (image 58)

• 8/25/16: Laura sends Mike more “proof” of her being pregnant, with more discussion about her still being pregnant. She also confirms her dad had a TIA (Transient ischemic attack) (images 59a, 59b, 59c & 59d)

• 8/27/16: Mike is at the hospital with his family and dying step-father and Laura won’t stop pestering him (images 60a, 60b & 60c)

• 8/30/16: Laura asks for a clean start and assumes that after this procedure, they will be exclusively bf/gf (image 61)

• 8/30/16: Laura claims she had the ovary removal surgery (image 62)

• 8/31/16: Laura again texts about having the oophorectomy and “losing a child.” *Laura claimed in May 2024 she never told Mike she had cancer, or that she had surgery to remove any cancer. She also claimed to be pregnant with twins, which doesn’t align with her saying she lost a “child.” (images 63a & 63b)

• 9/1/16: Laura texts Mike doctor’s note saying she received the oophorectomy (image 64)

• 9/3/16: Laura claims doctor cannot confirm most recent “abortion” was successful (image 65)

• 9/3/16: Laura tells Mike if she feels “good and supported” in the relationship, she’ll get more procedures to terminate the pregnancy, if need be (image 66)

• 9/4/16: Laura still claiming she’s “concerned” this last “abortion” was not successful. After not receiving responses from Mike, Laura spirals and claims she’s in pain and throwing up and needs to go to the ER. 4 hours later, she invites Mike to “Tacko,” a Mexican restaurant in San Francisco for dinner (images 67a, 67b & 67c)

• 9/6/16: Laura sends Mike a medical document with her “hCG levels” (image 68)

• 9/7/16: Laura claims she needs abortion pills for a third time (image 69)

*Laura has now claimed she has had two surgical abortions and three rounds of the abortion pill*

9/7/16: Laura claims the dr told her she has to wait two days to take the “abortion pills” (image 70)

• 9/7/16: Laura wants to wait several days to take the pills so Mike will be in town. Mike states he would prefer she takes them as soon as she is able (image 71)

9/8/16: Laura claims Ronn has to have open heart surgery ASAP (image 72)

• 9/8/16: Laura claims her follow-up with the oncologist is the next day (image 73)

• 9/8/16: After Laura presses Mike about her commitment to her, Laura says “Have a little compassion for the fact that I’m a) going to the oncologist right now b) supposed to puck up abortion pills this afternoon and c) I just found out my dad is having valve replacement surgery” (image 74)

• 9/8/16: Laura claims she went to the oncologist (image 75)

• 9/11/16: Laura finally agrees to take the abortion pills. She claims she’s throwing up from them (image 76)

• 9/13/16: Laura has taken the “abortion pills” and says she’s lucky to have Mike. She also claims to have a call with the doctor this day to make sure she’s “doing everything right” (image 77)

• 9/14/16: Laura says “Thank you for being so caring, sweet and smokin hot” to Mike (image 78)

• 9/14/16: After Mike says he has to miss a game with Laura due to a flight issue, she messages that she is having an absolutely horrible day. She claims 1. She had a horrible doctor’s appt 2. Her dad now has cancerous spots on his lungs and 3. Her pony Tiffany is very sick (image 79)

• 9/14/16: Laura claims she’s had a “severe allergic reaction” to Misoprostol and has to go back to the doctor Tuesday. (This is the THIRD claimed time she’s taken this medication) (image 80)

• 9/14/16: Laura sends Mike a sappy screenshot and says, “I can’t tell you how much this reminds me of my feelings for you. I am SO absolutely grateful you have no idea. You are the best, most supportive boyfriend and I adore you! Thank you for making me love in the moment and look for the positive when I don’t see it myself.” (image 81)

• 9/15/16: As is often the case, Laura’s mood and attitude changes on a dime. She states “I am going through a REALLY bad day” and 4 hours later, says “Thank you for being so caring. With all this stress, you are such a bright spot. You are such a special person. You make me want to be a better person and I just want to be the best girlfriend in the whole world to you. I know I sound like a broken record but I just want you to know how much it/you meant to me.” (image 82)

• 9/15/16: Laura claims she has a fever of 102 (and then 102.6) from the misoprostol and may need to go to the ER. She then claims the doctor told her she needs to go to the ER. Laura claims the ER dr has said her allergic reaction may be from the FIRST pill, not the second (misoprostol). She says she’s having him write a note (image 83)

• 9/15/16: Laura wants to celebrate “6 months” with Mike, but Mike says it hasn’t been 6 months since they started dating. It’s been 6 months since they met (March 25), but concedes and says they can celebrate anyway. She then proceeds to, in true Laura fashion, emotionally blackmail and pressure Mike (images 84a, 84b, 85c & 85d)

• 9/20/16: Laura claims her pap smear came back “pretty significantly abnormal” and that she has to go back to the office later that week. (image 86)

• 9/20/16: Laura sends Mike a message, worrying this may be the last time she’s able to bear children (image 87)

• 9/21/16: Laura sends Mike a picture of her feet and a selfie in the doctor’s office, where she is for her cervical biopsy (images 88a & 88b)

• 9/21/16: Laura tells Mike she her doctor said she can freeze either her “cervix or uterus” so they can “have kids” (image 89)

• 9/21/16: Laura states “I love you so much and am so confident about this. I will be a great girlfriend and stop talking about it” (their relationship) (image 90)

• Throughout this time, general Laura manipulation, knowing Mike is in an important meeting, but continually pushing him to answer her texts 

• 9/22/16: Laura claims Ronn got the “worst possible news” this day (image 91)

• 9/30/16: Laura still actively riding horses, still active claiming to be pregnant (image 92)

• 10/1/16: Laura sends Mike link to livestream where she’ll be competing (image 93)

• 10/3/16: Laura bombards Mike with texts saying she is “confused and hurt” out of the blue and has “a couple serious thoughts.” She claims to have blood work and an ultrasound the next day (image 94)

• 10/3/16: Laura claims to have an appt this day at 3:30pm. She says she will not have it done if Mike doesn’t text her back, because she’s “nervous” for the ultrasound. Mike says he does not understand her logic (image 95)

• 10/4/16: Laura sends Mike a sappy text with a screenshot from “romanticquotes.” She says “This is so true, I wish I could give you the ability to see how special you are and how much your kindness means to me! Your presence in my life makes me feel so fortunate every day. I love who you are and would never want to change you. I am completely in love with you exactly as you are and hope you know that. I had a lot of time to myself tonight and was able to calm down after everything this afternoon. I feel optimistic that the tests will come back fine. With all that being said, I just basically took time to look at being upset and scared in a different way and realized that a future without ever mentioning this pregnancy again and one focused on all the fun that instead comes with building a foundation together with you sounds like the most wonderful blessing we could have. And I just hope and pray that the results will allow us to have that this week. It means a lot to me that you read this through BC it took me a while lol and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I’m ready for such good in store for us and I hope I never have to give you bad news again.” (images 96a & 96b)

• 10/5/16: Mike says his mom is in town to celebrate his deceased father’s birthday. Laura presses on: “I understand. I mean are you excited for Hawaii with me or did I push? I’m getting nervous again.” (image 97)

• 10/6/16: Mike tells Laura he and his mom never stayed at her (Sarah’s) apartment. (Laura claimed they did in her RO case against him in 2018) (image 98)

• 10/6/16: Laura competes on two different horses (MTM On Board and Silhouette). *Still claims to be pregnant at this time (image 99)

• 10/10/16: Laura says a PA told her she has a “syndrome” that’s causing the pregnancy to not terminate. She couldn’t hear the PA say the name, so she’ll tell it to Mike later. She begs Mike to stay the night (image 100)

• 10/10/16: Laura refuses to make a decision about having the ultrasound that evening/canceling her oncologist appt- leaving it up to Mike to decide for her (image 101)

• 10/10/16: Laura claims to have had the appt at 1:30PM. She also claims to have “Asherman syndrome.” Asherman’s syndrome, also known as intrauterine adhesions or intrauterine synechiae, is a rare gynecological condition that occurs when scar tissue forms inside the uterus and/or cervix. This can cause the uterine walls to bond together, which decreases the volume of the uterine cavity. Laura claims to have made an appointment with an Asherman specialist for 10/2/16 (image 102)

10/11/16: Laura sends Mike ultrasound results. They state the following (image 103): 

  • 3. Patient unsure about LMP (prior to pregnancy, patient explains she was on a low-dose birth control pill and did not get a period
  • 4. The uterus…is retroverted. Intrauterine adhesions are present
  • 5. Single gestational sac is identified
  • 6. Embryonic heart rate is 62BPM
  • 7. RIGHT OVARY NOT PRESENT (patient recently underwent oophorectomy surgery
  • 8. Possible suspicious left adnexal mass
  • 11: Hysteroscopy recommended for possible diagnosis of Asherman syndrome
  • 12: Results discussed with Elena Gates, MD, at UCSF via telephone on 10/11/2016

• 10/11/16: Laura claims the aspiration will occur the next Thursday (image 104)

• 10/12/16: Laura is pushing a Tony Robbins event on Mike, saying, “I think this will be so beneficial for us individually and as a couple!” (images 105a & 105b)

• 10/13/16: Laura and Mike discuss the email on the phone. Laura wants to rebuild their relationship once the aspiration happens that day. “I won’t let you down.” (image 106)

• 10/13/16: Laura claims she’s received the medicine to dilate, whilst texting Mike about Tony Robbins (image 107)

• 10/13/16: Laura hasn’t gotten another commitment to starting fresh with their relationship, so she claims she still hasn’t been called back for her abortion (image 108)

• 10/14/16: Laura claims she the surgical abortion occurred and she’s on bed rest (image 109)

• 10/15/16: Laura sends Mike a lengthy message: “Just wanted to let you know that when I woke up, I felt totally at peace with what we did for the first time as well and a renewed understanding of what needs to fixed. Maybe that”s all because of a miracle session I had over the phone with a really kind psychotherapist too. This chapter is done and I”m exciting for our next. But my heart is filled with hope, empathy, and gratitude for the support you have me during be rough times. My phone counselor, Brittany, really helped me see that and I will meet with her in person next week. She just made me realize there is so much hell going on in the world right now that makes it hard focus on the positive. But we have so much positive!! Our relationship and and will be beautiful. I love you, can”t wait for cuddling and eating ice cream out of the tub as much as I”m looking for forward to cooking and Tony Roobins adventures and places and like Hawaii or Iceland and beyond. I’m happy this is over, babe. We have way more to do together before we would want kids involved. And we need to not make this every night that we see each other every night to start, it should be when both people want to be together equally. I want is to be 50/50, I promise to be your partner, and I promise to not be a stubborn, needy betch…instead being your loyal girlfriend who brings a smile to your face. Truly cheesy but how I will life my life from point outward. I don’t feel loss, I feel excite md for what’s ahead. Does this put a smile on your face too? Here for you 24/7 🙂 I thought about this a lot and hope it makes you as happy as it made me. Mike and Laura 2.0 :)” (image 110)

• 10/19/16: Laura claims she’s gotten an ultrasound to prove she’s no longer pregnant. She also sends two hospital selfie and claims she needs more testing (images 111a, 111b, 111c, 111d & 111e)

• 10/21/16: Laura sends Mike 3 documents stating she’s no longer pregnant: Transvaginal ultrasound report, hCG Quantitative report and urine culture test (images 112a, 112b, 112c & 112d)

• 10/28/16: Laura offers to share her Barry’s pass with Mike (image 113)

• 11/4/16: Laura sends Mike a message stating how happy and secure she is in their relationship (image 114)

• 11/8/16: On her way to the Tony Robbins conference she received free tickets for and invited Mike to, Laura tells Mike how lucky she is to have him as her boyfriend and that she feels secure and loved by him (image 115

• 11/10/16: As Mike is late for the Tony Robbins conference, Laura sends him a picture and video (images 116a, videos 116b & 116c)

• 12/4/16: This is the first mention of Laura and Mike doing a podcast together (image 117)

12/5/16: Laura has invited Mike on a vacation to Iceland (offered to pay for it with that horse money, remember?). These are the first plans we see that are being made for the trip (image 118)

• 12/5/16: Laura sends Mike screenshots of the plans she has made for Iceland (images 119a & 119b)

• 12/5/16: Laura tells Mike she’s sent her entertainment agent (David Katz) (image 120)

• 12/6/16: Laura tries to pressure Mike into doing the show with her, but Mike expresses concerns, namely their constant arguing. Mike reiterates it is not his show and asks Laura to make decisions moving forward. (image 121)

• 12/6/16: Laura posts a picture of Mike and herself to Instagram as their relationship has been on a break. Mike wanted to slow down the prospect of a show with Laura, but Laura plowed ahead (image 122)

• 12/8/16: Laura and Mike interview Bob Saget (Laura claims Bob Saget is her godfather) (images 123a, 123b & 123c)

• 12/8/16: Laura claims her psychiatrist wants to write her a prescription for a service dog to help with Laura’s anxiety (image 124)

• 12/8/-12/13/16: The following document contains text exchanges between Laura and Mike from the December 8-13, 2016. Mike and his future brother-in-law meet Laura at her father Ronn’s house, where both Laura and Ronn admit Laura lied about being pregnant. After this, Laura spirals. Via text, she threatens to commit suicide multiple times and promises Mike she will “go get help.” Laura claims to go to an inpatient facility around 11:30pm on the 11th. She continues to send Mike walls of messages while claiming to be receiving treatment. Laura states she wants to stay longer to “better herself.” Mike is incredibly supportive and just wants Laura to get better. Ronn begs Mike to stay with Laura, stating he’ll help Mike get out of the relationship if he just helps Laura. Also included are texts from Ronn and Jan (Laura’s mother and father) to Mike during this time (images 125a & 125b)

• 12/14/16: Laura claims to have had a counseling session, in which she appears to be introspective about her actions (image 126)

• 12/14/16: Laura tells Mike her father Ronn’s liver cancer has metastasized (image 127

• 12/15/16: Laura claims to still be doing therapy and that Ronn has Merkel cell cancer that has spread to his liver, independent from the right prostate cancer and says “It’s absolutely horrific.” (image 128

• 12/23/16: Several important messages are sent this day. First, Laura mentions the “radio stuff” and that she’ll push for a good salary for Mike. Next, she says she’s going to take a road trip for Christmas so she’s not upsetting people “like I know I will.” Laura then claims to have received a text from David Katz in re “radio stuff” (image 129)

• 12/26/16: Laura claims this Christmas (yes, celebrating Christmas, not Hanukkah) is “extremely difficult” for her family because “we all know this is going to be the last one with my dad,” implying Ronn is going to pass away within the next year (image 130)

• 12/27/16: Laura says her psychiatrist has put her on a new medication, promising “immediate results” (image 131)

• 12/28/16: Laura talks about how she and Mike can tell their future children about the amazing trip they’re about to take. After no response, she claims her horse Tigger has broken his leg and will likely have to be put down (image 132)

• 12/30/16: Laura and Mike board their WOW Airlines flight to Reykjavik, Iceland. It is on this flight that Laura claims Mike was verbally and emotionally abusive, prompting a woman named Karen Bernatis (formerly Ambro and Ilmberger) to pass Laura a napkin note telling he she is “very beautiful” and needs to “run from him & get help & protection.” Mike’s recollection of recounts Laura crying hysterically on the plane, drawing the attention of the flight attendants and other passengers on several occasions, with flight attendants even asking Laura to “quiet down” twice because it was a redeye flight. He also claims Laura was asking Mike to tell her he loves her, would he forgive her for lying about the pregnancies, etc. He also states Laura “hammered” him with questions about making their relationship exclusive. Laura pulled his headphones off multiple times to ask him more questions. Mike had to hide in the bathroom to remove himself from Laura’s abuse. Watch Mike’s interview with Megan Fox discussing Iceland (1:41:11)

• 12/31/16: After they land in Iceland, Laura states to Mike in a text message “My words are not enough. I know I’ve done enough damage. I hope you always know how sorry I was in my heart,” referring to lying about the pregnancies (image 133)

• 1/4/17: Laura fabricates physical and sexual abuse during the trip to Iceland. There is no evidence of this in pictures or any documented communications between Laura and any other individual. Additionally, Mike had a nasty cold during their trip (“My throat hurts too much to eat”), as stated in texts to Laura (image 134)

• 1/6/17: Laura asks for pictures Mike has taken so she can upload them to her Instagram and Facebook profiles. (images 135a, 135b, 135c & 135d)

• 1/9/17: After returning home, Mike thanks Laura “for everything” – the trip, planning everything, etc. Laura says she’s looking forward to “more and greater and better trips and memories in the future.” (image 136)

• 1/9/17: Laura claims she will speak with David Katz about the radio show. She then sends a text screenshot of her conversation with him (images 137a, 137b, 137c & 137d)

• 1/12/17: Laura sends another alleged text exchange between David and herself to Mike (images 138a and 138b)

• 1/15/17: Laura tells Mike she’s looking forward to “building a life” with him. (image 139

• 1/17/17: Laura tells Mike she loves him with her whole heart, she wants what is best for him and that he is “a genius, hardworking and talented at everything” he does. After no response from Mike, she claims David Katz called (image 140)

• 1/19/17: Laura sends Mike two screenshots of text exchanges with David Katz (images 141a, 141b and 141c)

• 1/21/17: Though she was allegedly sexually abused, strangled almost to the point of death and drowned twice in the Blue Lagoon by Mike less than a month prior, Laura texts him that she’s “just thinking about how excited” she is “to blindfold each other tomorrow.” She further states “I’m gonna blow your mind” (image 142)

1/21/17: Laura tells Mike one of his Christmas presents is a trip to Dubai. Mike is shocked. Laura has since falsely stated Mike asked for the trips to Iceland and Dubai (image 143)

• 1/23/17: Laura texts Mike, saying “The way you treat me, talk to me, care about me, and how you are physically and emotionally makes me feel a kind of love that I don’t feel I’ve ever experienced in the whole world and it feels amazing”, again, a mere three weeks after alleged assault at Mike’s hands almost resulting in her death occurred (image 144)

• 1/24/17: Laura sends another alleged text screenshot from David Katz (image 145)

• 1/26/17: Laura offers Mike free Stagecoach tickets (image 146)

• 1/26/17: Laura is trying to push for Mike to commit to the radio show with her. However, Mike expresses concerns, namely the fact that he hasn’t personally spoken with anyone at KGO or David Katz to discuss anything having to do with it. Mike has still not been paid for any work he’s done in relation to the show (image 147)

• 1/28/17: Laura tells Mike David Katz says Mike will make $150k/yr if he does the radio show (image 148)

• 1/30/17: Laura tells Mike she’s looking forward to them being on the same page about loving each other. They also discuss the radio show more (image 149)

• 1/31/17: Laura scheduled a photographer for Mike and herself to have professional pictures taken for their show (image 150)

• 2/1/17: Laura gives Mike permission to take his mom and sister up to Laura’s apartment (technically Sarah’s apartment) while she’s out (image 151)

• 2/3/17: Mike shares with Laura that he’s been depressed and having no income isn’t helping. Laura responds stating meeting his family [recently] meant the world to her. She says she understands the consequences of her actions but doesn’t want to fight an uphill battle her whole life. (image 152)

• 2/4/17: After Mike doesn’t text Laura back about Super Bowl plans, she claims she talked with David Katz on the phone. She also claims to have upgraded their hotel in Dubai “quite a bit.” Laura offered Mike a trip to Dubai and planned it all herself (image 153)

• 2/6/17: Mike asks Laura about their trip to Dubai. She avoids giving him flight information and spirals about their relationship (image 154)

• 2/9/17: Laura claims to have spoken with David Katz about the radio show and says she’s reinvigorated. Mike tells Laura he’s going to start interviewing with other companies the next week, and if he gets a job, he’ll drop the radio show. Mike implies Laura has told him she is being paid $250,000/yr by KGO radio. Laura also says she is lucky to have Mike (image 155)

• 2/17/17: Laura claims to have received more texts from David Katz (images 156a & 156b)

• 2/17/17: Mike has asked for space and Laura hasn’t respected that. Mike is frustrated he has still never personally spoken with David Katz (image 157)

• 2/23/17: Mike shares an email with Laura he’s sent David and David’s response. Note David Katz signs off with “All best”, a version of Laura’s infamous “All the best” (image 158)

• 2/23/17: Mike has an interview with a company and tells Laura it went well, showing Mike was actively looking for work (image 159)

• 2/26/17: Laura wants to “sleep on Dubai,” stating “I just want to make sure this is going forward for a long time to come…” She sends Mike a lengthy message about their relationship and suicide. Mike calls her out on her claims, even stating “…you lied about pregnancy. Not, once but twice.” Laura does not deny this claim. Mike states he has not asked for the trips to Iceland, Napa or Dubai, and says about the potential upcoming Dubai trip “If we go on the trip, I think it will be really fun. If we don’t, I totally understand and would not hold anything against you.” (image 160)

• 2/28/17: Laura acknowledges Mike not wanting to say they’re together (as boyfriend/girlfriend/exclusive). She also says her father Ronn is encouraging Laura to move the trip to Dubai until Mike is more comfortable (image 161)

• 3/1/17: Laura texts Mike flight details for Dubai but does not send real proof of an actual reservation (image 162)

• 3/1/17: Laura and Mike flight to Dubai is in 3 hours, and Laura attempts to change the flight to the next day. She claims her parents need her at an oncology appointment for Ronn. Laura claims to be having trouble changing the flight. It is believed Laura hadn’t actually yet purchased the tickets for the trip (images 163a, 163b, 163c, 163d, 163e, 163f & 163g)

• 3/9-3/13/17: At the end of the Dubai trip, Mike received word his step-father is in a coma and will pass soon. Mike and Laura text about the situation, and on 3/13/17, his step-father passes away (image 164)

• 3/17/17: Over the next two days, Laura tells Mike Ronn has asked David for a favor- to expedite things with the radio show. She then texts him about what she considers their 1 year anniversary. Mike is spending time with friends and doesn’t immediately respond. Laura then says she’s feeling very sick, attempting to manipulate a response from Mike (images 165a, 165b & 165c)

• 3/25/17: On their “anniversary,” Laura gets jealous Mike “liked” another girl’s Facebook status (image 166)

• 3/26/17: Laura wants to take the “next step” and move in together with Mike. He says he’s giving it “serious thought,” but that he doesn’t “want to be forced to move in somewhere because of finances” (image 167)

• 3/29/17: Laura is asking Mike if she is his “one” when Mike has previously asked her not to ask him questions of that nature (image 168)

• 2/26/17: Mike confirms there was an argument in Iceland, but contrary to Laura’s claim (they fought over the “‘napkin note”), Mike confirms the argument stemmed from Laura sending photos of the two of them to people (image 169)

• 3/31/17: After sending Mike a wall of texts, Laura threatens to call his mom and/or sister because she’s “worried” about him. She also says she’s had a “big talk” with her parents and she and Mike “need to talk.” Mike has simply been at dinner (image 170)

• 4/3/17: Laura is still pretending to be David Katz, stating Ronn didn’t “ask David” to “move things along” (image 171)

• 4/9/17: Laura shares via text she’s getting new sex toys for them to try together. All non-traditional sexual experiences were initiated by Laura. Laura also brings up the Uber car accident she was in on 4/6/17, stating she “feels terrible” that morning (images 172a & 172b)

• 4/13/17: Laura tells Mike how much she loves him and wants to protect him (image 173)

• 4/20/17: Laura mentions “uncle” Joe Cotchett is representing her in the lawsuit she’s brought against Uber and the two drivers. She also apologizes for thinking Mike may cheat on her and asks Mike what salary he would need from KGO for the radio show (image 174)

• 5/1/17: Laura tells Mike the Uber lawsuit is going to be a much bigger deal than she thought. She jokes it will be enough money to buy “twin Teslas.” Laura claims to have had her first-ever seizure; a result of the Uber accident on 4/6/17, not because of abuse at Mike’s hands (image 175)

• 5/1/17: Laura sends Mike a Letter of Representation from Joe Cotchett’s firm for the Uber lawsuit and claims to go to the hospital as she feels she may be having another seizure. Laura is right back to horseback riding the next day (images 176a & 176b)

• 5/5/17: During this period Laura claims to be having seizures, she continue to compete in horseback riding competitions (image 177a & video 177b)

• 5/8/17: Laura tells Mike her heart is fully his (image 178)

• 5/8-5/10/17: After a text argument with Mike, Laura claims she’s working with a watch broker and has found him the “perfect” Panerai watch. This is the first mention of the Panerai watch, a situation that drags out until October 2017. Mike states he never asked Laura to buy this watch for him and if Laura did buy it, to send him the receipt so he can pay her back. Laura admits the watch hasn’t actually been purchased yet (image 179

• 5/10/17: After Laura accuses Mike of being active on The League dating app, he denies it, stating “You would know if I was dating other people.” He also says Laura herself was active and talking to men on The League two months prior, during the trip to Dubai, when Mike’s step-father was extremely ill. Laura confessed this to Mike while high on Ambien on the flight to Dubai. This completely contradicts claims made by Laura in her restraining order Declaration stating Mike was cheating her (image 180)

• 5/10/17: After being reminded of her cheating on Mike on The League, Laura falls off her horse during a jumping competition. Did Laura fall off on purpose to garner sympathy from Mike? (images 181a & video 181b)

• 5/12/17: “Watchgate” resumes. Context: Laura claims she bought Mike a $10k Panerai watch as a gift for his birthday. Mike has refuted this claim from the beginning. Unfortunately for Laura, evidence isn’t on her side. On May 12, 2017, Laura confirms with Mike what size watch he’d like (image 182)

• 5/13/17: Laura claims she “almost died” [from eating only fruit] and apologizes to Mike (image 183)

• 5/17/17: Laura asks Mike to come over because she’s not feeling well and thinks she “might have a big problem” soon (image 184)

• 5/22/17: Laura claims to have had a massive seizure, stating she’s on her way to St. Francis in an ambulance. Laura claims the doctors have put her on “anti seizure drugs” and that she’s being referred to a UCSF epilepsy doctor (image 185)

• 5/23/17: Laura says she’s released from the hospital and asks Mike if she can post a picture of the two of them traveling. Mike says no and Laura gets upset (image 186)

• 5/27/17: Laura tells Mike “We need to start doing Barry’s together” (image 187)

• 6/1/17: Mike says he doesn’t want to open the Panerai watch in front of others [for his birthday]. Laura says she understands (image 188)

• 6/5/17: Laura tells Mike not to bring the watch up in front of Ronn, even though Mike already said he didn’t want to (image 189)

• 6/9/17: Laura claims Ronn’s broker has found the exact watch Mike was looking for. Mike’s birthday has already passed (image 190

• 6/12/17: Laura claims Mike’s watch will be there “Wednesday.” She also tells him he is so special, he means the world to her and she’s looking forward to a future with him (image 191)

• 6/13/17: Laura talks about wanting a future with Mike (image 192)

• 6/14/17: Laura now claims the watch isn’t coming until Friday (image 193)

• 6/18/17: Laura pushes the watch delivery back again, to the 20th of the month (image 194)

• 6/22/17: Laura has told Mike the bridge of the Panerai watch has come loose and needs to be repaired (image 195)

• 6/27/17: Mike asks Laura for the watch broker’s name and phone number to insure the watch. Laura avoids providing him with all the correct information. (image 196)

• 6/22/17: Laura tells Mike his watch was the “easiest fix” (image 197)

• December 2017: Mike and his then-girlfriend run into Laura and her mother Jan at a restaurant named Mamanko. Mike and his girlfriend were seated right next to Laura and Jan, as the restaurant was small and no other seating was available. Mike introduced his girlfriend to Laura and Jan, later stating the encounter was awkward 

• Mid to late December,2017: Mike runs into the Owens family in the Marina District. Ronn gives Mike a hug

• 1/5/18: Mike and his then-girlfriend run into Laura and her friend at Mamanoko in the Marina District. Mike and Callie leave immediately

• 1/6/18: Laura contacts Mike’s girlfriend via Facebook Messenger, making her first-ever claims of physical abuse at the hands of Mike

• 1/7/18: Laura, believed to be stalking Mike, runs into him in the Marina District at night. Mike is accompanied by his sister. Laura begins yelling at Mike and his sister. Mike calls the police after returning to his sister’s apartment to report Laura for harassment

1/8/18: At 1:00AM, Laura is alerted by the police of Mike’s police report about her

• 1/9/18: Laura files a Temporary Restraining Order against Mike

• 1/10/18: The TRO is granted

• 1/22/18: Mike files a Response to Restraining Order

• 1/26/18: The initial TRO hearing takes place (Transcript)

• 3/28/18: Witness Declarations are filed with the court

• 3/29/18: Laura submits her Declaration to Support Restraining Order in two parts (Part 1 & Part 2)

• 4/6/18: Laura files a Motion in Limine and Request to Strike

• 7/10/20: Laura files a Request to Renew Restraining Order

• 9/11/20: The restraining order hearing takes place. The judge rules in favor or Laura, granting her a 5 year restraining order against Michael Marraccini (Restraining Order Renewal Hearing Transcript)

The restraining order expires July 10, 2025. Laura plans to renew it at this time.


•  5/4/24: Individuals in the JFC community launch a fundraiser to have Michael Marraccini’s laptop forensically analyzed, raising over $3,600 (video). These text messages prove Laura fabricated having Ovarian Cancer and an oophorectomy (see Comprehensive Timeline above)

• June 10: Michael Marraccini is a subpoenaed witness for the Owens v Echard paternity hearing. Directly before the hearing, David Gingras, Laura’s lawyer, calls the Phoenix PD (Police report) to report Michael Marraccini being in violation of his restraining order. As presiding judge July Mata had previously ruled Michael could testify and Michael was a subpoenaed witness, the police find no violation has occurred

• June 2024: Laura is suspected to have called CPS on Michael Marraccini

By calling CPS on a basis that has no merit and attempting to have Michael fired from his current position, Laura’s abuse continues.

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The following is a comprehensive timeline of events for Laura Owens’ claimed pregnancy with Michael Marraccini:

Original Reddit post

Blue texts = Michael Marraccini
Gray texts = Laura Owens

Texts are displayed in UTC time, 7 hours ahead of  PST

• 3/23/16: Laura Owens texts Mike after matching on The League

• 6/4/16: Laura sends Mike positive pregnancy test photo (image 1)

• 6/27/16:  Owens first mentions abortion (image 2)

*Between 6/27/16 and 7/7/16, Owens continually pushes the prospect of an abortion back, all the while manipulating Michael into answering her perpetual questions about his feelings for her. This is a manipulation tactic she uses throughout their relationship- withholding medical information until just before she’s said to receive said information- until Michael answers questions she’s demanding of him. She also complains about how “stressful” the pregnancy is and how “awful” her physical health is due to the “pregnancy.”

• 7/7/16: Laura claims she was told by a medical professional she can’t get an abortion until July 10 at the earliest. Mike says “Nobody knows that because you’ve never gone in for a test.” (image 2)

• 7/8/16: Laura first mentions she will call Planned Parenthood about getting an abortion (image 2)

• 7/8/16: Laura competes (and wins) a jumping competition, which is highly discouraged for pregnant women

• 7/9/16: After much pushback from Laura, they decide on Walnut Creek at 12:50 for the abortion (image 3)

• 7/9/16: Owens mentions a possible miscarriage (image 4)

• 7/10/16: Laura mentions a horseback riding show she wants to do the next day

• 7/11/16: Owens attempts to back out of the appointment (image 4)

• 7/12/16: Laura’s mom drives to Walnut Creek to meet her (and Mike) (image 4)

• 7/13/16: Owens claims she has to wait until “next Friday” to have the abortion (image 5)

• 7/15/16: After several messages went un-responded to, Laura claims she’s having a miscarriage. She agrees with Mike she’s NOT having a miscarriage (image 5)

• 7/16/16: Laura claims to be getting the abortion for Mike and his stress levels (image 6)

• 7/16/16: Owens blasts Mike with messages. She finally texts him that she’s on her way to the hospital due to spotting (image 6)

• 7/16/16: Laura calls Mike and tells him she is pregnant with his TWINS (texts 7/17/16, image 6)

• 7/22/16: Owens claims dr tells her abortion pills are her only option (image 7)

• 7/23/16: Laura claims she took the first abortion pill (Mifepristone) (Medical abortion #1) (image 7)

• 7/30/16: Owens claims she’s taken “pills” (the 2nd abortion pill (Misoprostol) and what else??) (image 7)

• 7/31/16: Laura sends Mike a screenshot of her scheduled pelvis ultrasound (image 7a)

• 8/1/16: Laura sends Mike three images- of her hospital band, the room, and a hospital selfie as proof she’s receiving fluids “in preparation for” the procedure the next day (image 8)

• 8/2/16: Laura sends Mike “proof” she is no longer pregnant, as per Planned Parenthood (image 9)

• 8/2/16: Owens claims to have had the surgical abortion with mother and sister in tow (Surgical abortion #1) (image 10)

• 8/10/16: Laura claims she has to take the 1st abortion pill again (Mifepristone) due to her tilted uterus: “Pills have been slammed” (image 11)

• 8/11/16: “I’m supposed to do 800mcg today and the dr wants me to repeat it tomorrow” (image 11)

• 8/11/16: Owens claims to have taken the extra abortion pills (Medical abortion #2) (image 11)

• 8/12/16: Owens claims she’s been scheduled for ANOTHER surgical abortion, as this second round of abortion pills didn’t work (image 12)

• 8/13/16: Laura sends Mike a “proof of appointment” document (image 13)

• 8/13/16: Mike demands to see results proving pregnancy (and cancer) (image 14; image 15)

• 8/13/16: Owens sends several “documents”: CA-125 test (image 16), Medical History document (image 17) and Continuity of Care document (image 18)

• 8/17/16: Laura claims to have had the second surgical abortion (Surgical abortion #2) (image 19a19b)

• 8/19/16: Laura sends Mike another positive pregnancy test (image 20)

• 8/25/16: Owens claims to have another positive pregnancy test (image 20)

• 8/25/16: 8/25/16: Mike calls Laura out on this new pregnancy test, saying it doesn’t make sense, that after two rounds of abortion pills and two surgical abortions, she’d still be pregnant (image 21)

• 8/25/16: Owens sends Mike another hCG test report (image 22)

• 8/26/16: Laura sends Mike a visit summary report (image 23)

• 9/1/16: Laura sends Mike Oophorectomy confirmation letter, which contains “pregnancy” information (image 24)

• 9/3/16: Owens claims doctor cannot confirm most recent “abortion” was successful (image 25)

• 9/3-9/4/16: Several manipulative texts sent from Laura to Mike, with no response from Mike

• 9/5/16: After not receiving responses from Mike, Laura spirals and claims she’s in pain and throwing up and needs to go to the ER for her “pregnancy.” 4 hours later, she invites Mike to “Tacko,” a Mexican restaurant in San Francisco (which they do go to for dinner that night) (images 25 and 26)

• 9/6/16: Owens sends Mike another hCG Test report (image 27)

• 9/7/16: Laura claims she needs abortion pills for a third time (image 28)

• 9/7/16: Laura claims the doctor told her she has to wait two days to take the “abortion pills” (image 28)

• 9/7/16: Owens wants to wait several days to take the pills so Mike will be in town. Mike states he would prefer she take them as soon as she is able (image 28)

• 9/8/16: Laura agrees to take the pills “this weekend,” earlier than she was pushing for (image 29)

• 9/8/16: Owens is insecure, worrying Mike will “leave her” if she takes the pills “this weekend” while he is out of town (image 29)

• 9/11/16: Laura claims she’s throwing up from the “abortion pills” (image 30)

• 9/13/16: Owens has taken the Misoprostol and says she’s lucky to have Mike. She also claims to have a call with the doctor this day to make sure she’s “doing everything right” (Medical abortion #3) (image 30)

• 9/14/16: Owens claims she’s had a “severe allergic reaction” to Misoprostol and has to go back to the doctor Tuesday. (This is the THIRD claimed time she’s taken this medication) (image 30)

• 9/15/16: Laura claims she has a fever of 102 (and then 102.6) from the Misoprostol and may need to go to the ER. She then claims the dr told her she needs to go to the ER (image 31)

• 9/15/16: Owens claims the ER dr has said her allergic reaction may be from the FIRST pill, not the second (Misoprostol). She says she’s having him write a note. (image 31)

• 9/15/16: Laura claims to be receiving a biopsy to test for cervical cancer. (images 31a and 31b)

• 9/30/16: Laura still actively riding horses, still active claiming to be around 17 weeks pregnant (image 32)

• 10/6-7/16: Laura competes on two different horses (MTM On Board and Silhouette). *Still claims to be pregnant at this time (image 32)

• 10/7/16: Owens claims she’s made an appointment for the upcoming Monday afternoon at UC (image 32)

• 10/7/16: Owens competes again. *Still claiming to be pregnant (image 32)

• 10/10/16: Laura says a PA told her she has a “syndrome” that’s causing the pregnancy to not terminate. She couldn’t hear the PA say the name, so she’ll tell it to Mike later. She begs Mike to stay the night (image 32)

• 10/10/16: Laura tells Mike she has the PA/dr on hold, that they say having the ultrasound that evening is important, but she won’t give Mike an answer from them until he either commits or doesn’t to spending the night. She claims they can give her medicine that evening to help with the procedure

• 10/11/16: Owens claims she needs to have an aspiration (another Surgical abortion) performed (image 33)

• 10/11/16: Owens claims to have “Asherman syndrome.” Asherman syndrome, also known as intrauterine adhesions or intrauterine synechiae, is a rare gynecological condition that occurs when scar tissue forms inside the uterus and/or cervix. This can cause the uterine walls to bond together, which decreases the volume of the uterine cavity. (image 33)

• 10/11/16: Laura claims she’s made an appt with an Asherman specialist for 10/2/16 (image 33)

• 10/11/16: Owens tells Mike she’ll share her ultrasound results with Mike and will be a better girlfriend. She’s withholding the results until he responds (which is a pattern for her) (image 33)

• 10/11/16: Laura sends Mike ultrasound results. (image 34)

Laura claimed to be pregnant on June 4, 2016. By October 11, 2016, she would be approx. 19 weeks pregnant. However, this Transvaginal ultrasound test proports she is < 14 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound states the following:

  • 3. Patient unsure about LMP (prior to pregnancy, patient explains she was on a low-dose birth control pill and did not get a period
  • 4. The uterus…is retroverted. Intrauterine adhesions are present
  • 5. Single gestational sac is identified
  • 6. Embryonic heart rate is 62BPM
  • 7. RIGHT OVARY NOT PRESENT (patient recently underwent oophorectomy surgery
  • 8. Possible suspicious left adnexal mass
  • 11: Hysteroscopy recommended for possible diagnosis of Asherman syndrome
  • 12: Results discussed with Elena Gates, MD, at UCSF via telephone on 10/11/2016

• 10/13/16: Owens claims she’s received the medicine to dilate, whilst texting Mike about Tony Robbins (image 35)

• 10/13/16: Owens wants to hear from Mike before the abortion. She says she’s “dilated enough” and will lose her phone soon, but not before he responds. She promises Mike an ultrasound report after (image 35)

• 10/13/16: Laura hasn’t gotten another commitment to starting fresh with their relationship, so she claims she still hasn’t been called back for her abortion (image 35)

• 10/14/16: Laura claims everything went well with the surgical abortion (Surgical abortion #3) (image 36)

• 10/15/16: Owens says, “Just wanted to let you know that when I woke up, I felt totally at peace with what we did for the first time as well and a renewed understanding of what needs to fixed.”

• 10/20/16: Laura sends Mike a hospital selfie

• 10/20/16: Owens says she’s getting tests done to confirm she’s no longer pregnant (image 36)

• 10/21/16: Owens refuses to give Mike information on her appointment until he responds to her (images 37 and 38)

• 10/21/16: Laura sends Mike 3 documents stating she’s no longer pregnant: Transvaginal ultrasound report, hCG Quantitative report and urine culture test (images 39, 40 & 41) *her hCG test is already down to 5ml, one day after her final surgical abortion

On January 9, 2018, Laura Owens filed for a temporary restraining order against Mike Marraccini. On March 28, 2018, she submitted a Declaration in support of her request for the Restraining Order against Mike. The following is a breakdown of her statements and supporting proof of its inaccuracies. Supporting evidence is compiled in a PFD. These are excerpts and not entire conversations. Supplemental documents are provided as well. TEST

All records contained herein are a matter of public record and available via FOIA requests.

Please view supporting evidence to this post here: Declaration Evidence Compilation

Laura Owens = Gray

Michael Marraccini = Blue

*Reminder: Times given on texts are UTC – 7 hours ahead of PST*

Declarations 5+6: Laura Owens claims Mike began physical abusing her in June 2016, just three months after meeting. However, in her Dasasmi interview, Laura claims the physical abuse didn’t begin until their trip to Iceland (December 2016). Nowhere in her Declaration does she mention being abuse WHILE being pregnant, nor does she mention being abused while having ovarian cancer.

Declarations 7+8: Laura Owens claims it was Mike’s decision for her to get an abortion. However, her text messages to him claim ownership of the decision, stating “I just don’t want to be making a massive mistake. I was just thinking last night that my decision to terminate is really just because it wouldn’t be convenient to have a kid and that that’s very selfish of me to end a life because I don’t want the responsibility. I need to come to terms with that.”

Declaration 10: Laura Owens claims Mike pressured her to make an appointment at Planned Parenthood, and that when she didn’t do it fast enough, he made it for her. However, text messages show Laura Owens made the appointment herself, without pressure from Mike.

Declaration 11: Laura Owens claims 1. She grieved for the child and 2. Mike would get angry and lose his temper when she would discuss her post-abortion emotions. However, 1. Laura Owens claimed in texts that she was pregnant with twins (without ever providing Mike a sonogram). Point 2 discussed below.

Declaration 11+12: (11) As stated above, Laura Owens claimed Mike would get angry and lose his temper when she would discuss her post-abortion emotions. (11+12) The texts provided show no such thing, and that Mike was, in fact, supportive of her feelings, never implying at any point he “would have said anything to get [Laura Owens] to abort.” Mike also requests they have protected sex from hereon out, but Laura Owens doesn’t what that. She states “…I like how it’s feeling now as well. I’ve been craving that. I feel very connected to you having sex that way and I appreciate that right now.” Mike responds, “Of course it does, but it’s not smart to keep doing.”

Declaration 13: Laura Owens claims Mike demeaned her due to her sadness after the abortion, constantly calling her “worthless” and “ugly.” However, there are zero instances of Mike calling her “worthless” or “ugly” (or depressed) in almost 2,500 pages of text messages, spanning over 1.5 years. In fact, the only one to call Laura Owens “worthless” is herself, on three separate occasions.

Declaration 13 (cont’d): Laura Owens claims Mike called her mentally ill, bipolar and said she needed to be medicated. However, text messages show Laura Owens spiraling in December 2016. To give this some context, according to Mike’s deposition and Colin Scanlon’s Declaration, Laura Owens admitted in December 2016 with Mr. Ow3ns (Public Figure), Mike, Colin present, that she had fabricated her pregnancies with Mike. Mr. Scanlon states “[Laura Owens] was complaining of depression and suicidal thoughts at the fear of her relationship with Michael ending and was very distraught” and “[Laura Owens] admitted that she was in fact not pregnant, and there was no need for an abortion.” Mike reaffirms these assertions in his deposition. This is the catalyst for the following text exchanges. In the early hours of December 9, 2016, Laura Owens states in a text message to Mike That she needs help. She also makes the following statements:

  • “I won’t mess up again. I will get help, I promise right now.”
  • “I’m pulled over and getting a drink.”
  • “I’ve made my bed and there’s nothing I can do to rectify this with you so there’s not even a point.”
  • “You said you would give me another change and that we could go to Iceland together and I promised to be in full treatment.”
  • “I promise you I will go and get help.”
  • “I’m almost home to get help in order to do that and improve myself…”
  • “I’m going to check myself in now I’m on my way.”
  • “I just met my family at the hospital.”
  • “But I’m on a hold here now that I admitted my problem.”
  • “I have messed up so much, oh my god. I absolutely hate myself.”
  • “Please. Oh my god. I’m so sorry. Please. I will do anything. I want to get better.”
  • “I am a worthless piece of shit and I’m sorry you all have had to deal with me.”
  • “I want to stay here until Wednesday and better myself…”



In these next messages, Laura Owens threatens suicide, while allegedly at the health facility.

  • “It sucks too cause I really had wanted to be that girl but it’s too late now, I’ve screwed it all up, and I’m just gonna go quietly.”
  • “…I just mess up. It’s not even worth me trying. I just seriously need to be done. I feel like the worst person in the world for frustrating you so much and I know you will be better off if I’m not around.”
  • “Mike, you have meant everything to me.  Your wellbeing, your happiness…I’ve genuinely tried and I’ve failed miserably.  I just came to the conclusion last week that I will never get being a good girlfriend “right” and having a family down the line is the goal I’ve had for my life since I was little.  But I just keep screwing it up and I’ve realized that maybe some people are just not meant to live long and have families.  I am causing you and your family and my family so much pain by being around and it’s not fair to anyone anymore.  For as much as I try, I will always screw up, even though my intentions have always been good.  But I don’t want you to feel hurt and upset at me all the time and I really don’t think there’s anything I can do to rectify my actions.  I truly took you for your words this weekend and I feel absolutely broken.  I don’t want to go on continuously making mistakes and embarrassing myself, all while unintentionally hurting people on the way, and I have genuinely come to the conclusion that this world, and the people in my lives, would be a tremendous amount better without me in them.  I’m sorry for any pain I have caused and I promise you I will get rid of myself so there won’t be more pain for you and you can find happiness because you deserve it more than anyone I know.”


Declaration 14: In her declaration, as well as in the Dasasmi interview, Laura Owens claims to have bought Mike a [Panerai] $10,000 watch [on June 5, 2017], at his request. Texts show Mike stating he never asked her for the watch. Mike did receive a watch from Laura Owens, but it was found to be a knock-off, purchased from Amazon. Laura Owens never provided Mike a receipt for the watch, the number of her alleged watch broker, or any documentation confirming the watch’s authenticity. According to the forensic laptop analysis of texts between Laura Owens and Mike, Laura Owens claims the watch is delayed in its shipping, that her father’s jewelry broker found the exact watch Mike had wanted and a trade-in of Mike’s original watch gift (which he had yet to receive) was made, plus some extra cash. When the watch breaks, Laura Owens refuses to give Mike the broker’s phone number, but does provide an invalid Panerai serial number. By October 2017, Laura Owens has still never provided Mike with the papers for the watch to prove its authenticity or the receipt from her purchase of the watch. *Mike later purchased an authentic Panerai for himself after his relationship with Laura Owens.*

Declaration 15: In Laura Owens’s declaration, she states Mike did not like her and didn’t want to be with her. Texts prove the contrary. Laura Owens also claims Mike was continued dating her “for the money and connections that [my] father’s local fame provided,” but that he “didn’t care” about her. In texts from the laptop analysis, it’s proven time and time again that while Mike expressed interest in doing radio, Laura Owens is the instigator and proponent of the radio show, not Mike. It is believed Laura Owens was impersonating the agent, texting with herself and emailing Mike from a fake email account.

Declaration 16: Laura Owens claims Mike asked her to purchase tickets to attend a Tony Robbins conference, and claims she did purchase said tickets. Text messages disprove these statements. In fact, on 8/11/16, Laura Owens texts, “AHH EXCITING QUESTION TO ASK YOU! Just spoke w my boss at the radio station on the phone and I mentioned how much I love Tony Robbins.  He said the station has two free tix to his four day program in San Jose – are you in?! It’s apparently super expensive to do it but supposed to be life changing.  Think it might beat us going to counseling lol!! Told him I would get right back to him.” In October 2016, Laura Owens reminds Mike of the event (for which she received free tickets. He asks “Is that still happening.” Laura Owens continues “Yes!!!! The station got two passes and I had given them your name for the second ticket! I hope you’re still in, I’m STOKED.  I really think it will be wonderful to do together! Exactly what we need!!! They even gave me a budget for a hotel down there cause I guess Tony’s stuff starts early/goes way late.” Organic mentions of Tony Robbins by Mike: Zero.  *Side note- Laura Owens signed Mike up for a Barry’s membership in late-October 2016.

Declaration 18: In Declaration 18, Laura Owens claims Mike initiated communication with her after their breakup in late November/early December 2016. However, text messages prove Laura Owens was the one to initiate contact with Mike.

Declaration 19: Laura Owens claims several things in this declaration. She admits she was suicidal, which is supported by the text messages. She claims Mike had hatred towards her. This is completely unsupported in the texts. Only Laura Owens herself claims to hate her. In fact, on December 8, 2016, Laura Owens asks Mike to assist her in picking out a service dog, claiming her psychiatrist recommended it for Laura Owens’s anxiety- “Omg I forgot to tell you something. We have a task…Picking out a dog for me!!!!!” and “I’m not entirely sure but I saw the psychiatrist today and she said she wants to write me a prescription for a service dog BC she thinks it would really help my anxiety.  So I can technically have whatever kind I want, but I’m thinking a golden.  What kind do you think would be good?”

Much of this text exchange is included under Declaration 13 evidence. Some are duplicated here. Laura Owens claims in her Declaration 19 that her parents “called the police and had them come check on” her, and that the police took her to the ER, where she was given IV fluids. However, in the forensically analyzed texts to Mike, Laura Owens says “I just met my family at the hospital.” Upon request, no record of this police call was found. Laura Owens also claims in Declaration 19 that she spoke with a psychologist and was released later that night after she “had calmed down and no longer felt like” she was a risk to herself. However, in the texts, Laura Owens tells Mike “They said prob 24 hours and then I can do intensive outpatient if my psychiatrist approves it.” As to Laura Owens’s claim that she did not want to speak with Mike, a text she sends to him contradicts that, stating the reason she did not want to be on the phone was “because I don’t want anyone to know where, I’m pulled over and getting a drink. I have no idea where they are.” Laura Owens continues to claim in the texts that her phone will be taken away at different points in time (between December 11-14, 2016). An ER visit with IV fluids administered would not require one’s phone to be taken away.

As supplemental evidence, Mike submitted exhibits in the RO case that included texts from Laura Owens’s mother and father to Mike. Laura Owens claims in her Declaration 19 “I did not want to talk with him and ignored his calls for several hours.” Contrarily, texts from Laura Owens’s own mother prove this is false, stating in December 9, 2016, “Mike, it’s [Laura Owens’s mom]. I got this text from [Laura Owens] who asked me to contact you and ask if you will give her another chance…Please read the text she wrote and consider giving her another chance.” Later on, still December 9, 2016, Laura Owens’s mom asks Mike if he’s called her yet. He replies “I’m still on the phone with her.” On December 11, 2016, Laura Owens’s mom state, in a text to Mike, “Hi, Mike, we wanted to thank you so much for what you did for us and [Laura Owens] this weekend. You saved her and we will forever be grateful to you. She is getting treated as an inpatient right now and then will continue to be treated as an outpatient.” This, along with claims her phone was being taken away, unequivocally refutes claims in Laura Owens’s Declaration that she was not an inpatient. *A reminder that during all this, Mike was with his dying step-father.* Public Figure Mr. Ow3ns’ reasoning for Laura Owens’s behavior on December 9, 2016 was “she suffered a concussion last week and between that and the pills she is not herself.”

Declaration 20: Laura Owens claims, in her Declaration 20, that Iceland was decided on as a vacation spot because Mike wanted to go there. She claims he said the trip would “help” their relationship. She states, “He told me everything he wanted to do in Iceland, and I planned and paid for it,” further claiming the trip was paid for by emptying her childhood savings account. The forensically analyzed texts refute all of the above. The first mention of “Iceland” in the text laptop analysis comes from Laura Owens on August 11, 2016. She states, “Omg my pony is leading overall at the finals!!!!!! His price will almost double if he wins overall tomorrow.  Bigger payday = rewarding ourselves with a trip to Iceland???”  This statement proves that, if this pony is sold, that will be the Iceland trip money. After no response from Mike about Iceland, Laura Owens then says, “Ps Iceland? I got offer for $350k.” Mike says, “I can.” Laura Owens persists – “Can we go on a trip if the deal goes through?” to which Mike responds, “Yea, we can.” This refutes Laura Owens’s claims that the trip to Iceland was Mike’s idea.

As to Laura Owens’s claim that Mike told her everything he wanted to do in Iceland from her Declaration 20, this is refuted by the following text: “[Link] – would you want to add this to something we’d do? There are several other examples of Laura Owens suggesting different things for the Iceland trip. Laura Owens even asks Mike to visit a website and pick out some activities. Mike also states in his deposition “She [Laura Owens] bought the ticket and the trip without my knowing, and it says that in the text messages.”

Declaration 21: Laura Owens alleges Mike said horrible things to her on the flight to Reykjavik, Iceland. According to Mike’s account, none of these things were ever said. He says Laura Owens was hysterical on the plane, for several hours, over him not saying they were in a relationship. Mike says Laura Owens wanted him to go on social media and say they were boyfriend and girlfriend. When asked why he didn’t want to, Mike responds, “Because I had just witnessed her wanting to commit suicide a few days prior and for the duration of a month. So I said that I wanted to take it a day at a time.” Mike has recounted the flight was a redeye and passengers within nearby rows could hear Laura Owens crying and yelling.” When questioned in his deposition if he raised his voice, Mike responded, “To where the person in front of us would hear us? I mean, we were having a conversation on a redeye flight, so I think anybody could hear a normal conversation.” Mike refutes Laura Owens’s claims he asked for a threesome with her “sister or with a black man.” On the contrary, it’s reported that Laura Owens would offer Mike threesomes with her best friend.

Declaration 22: Laura Owens states a woman passed her a note on the flight, telling her to leave Mike. Mike states in his deposition Laura Owens did tell him about the note, but that the person “had no idea what I had just gone through. And so – – that I’m sorry that somebody else had to hear our discussion, but at the time, like, that person had no idea what had just transpired over the last month.” (Laura Owens constant threats of suicide, admission she fabricated two pregnancies, etc.).

Declaration 24-29: In Declarations 24-29, Laura Owens claims heinous acts occurred at the hands of Mike, as well as other occurrences. Several differences between Laura Owens’s Declaration, Dasasmi interview and TedX talk are listed below:

-Declaration: No mention of being drown in Iceland

-Dasasmi: “In Iceland, he tried to drown me in these private lagoons…and he knew I didn’t know how to swim. So, he tried to drown me twice in lagoons.”

-TedX: No mention of being drown in Iceland

-Declaration: “He suggested a threesome with my sister or with a black man.”

-Dasasmi: No mention of this

TedX: No mention of this

-Declaration: No mention of being locked in sauna

-Dasasmi: “He tried to lock me in a sauna.”

TedX: No mention of being locked in sauna

-Declaration: No mention of Mike telling Laura Owens to kill herself

-Dasasmi: No mention of Mike telling Laura Owens to kill herself

TedX: Claims on flight Mike said “I don’t know. Kill yourself?”

-Declaration: No mention of Mike saying Laura Owens being dead and in heaven

-Dasasmi: No mention of Mike saying Laura Owens being dead and in heaven

-TedX: Claims Mike said on flight ““If you truly love me, you want me to be happy, and   maybe if you’re in heaven, you can help me find my soulmate and look down and smile on our wedding day.”

-Declaration: Claims “40 spankings” occurred three days into the Iceland trip

-Dasasmi: No mention of being spanked 40 times in Iceland

-TedX: Claims the “40 spankings” occurred the very first day in Iceland


-Declaration: No mention of writing suicide note on plane

-Dasasmi: Laura Owens claims she was writing a suicide note on the plane

-TedX: No mention of writing suicide note on plane

-Declaration: Claims Mike said “I own you” during Iceland sex

-Dasasmi: No mention of Mike saying “I own you” during Iceland sex

-TedX: No mention of Mike saying “I own you” during Iceland sex

-Declaration: Claims she showed airplane lady’s note to Mike and he brushed it off

-Dasasmi: Claims she tore the note up herself

-TedX: Claims Mike tore airplane lady’s note up in a fit of rage


-Declaration: None of the things mentioned below in the TedX are mentioned at all

-Dasasmi: None of the things mentioned below in the TedX are mentioned at all

-TedX: Claims the first night in Iceland, Mike abruptly left dinner “right before the check came.” She claims she could not find her way back to the hotel and “stumbled around the streets of Reykjavik in the highest heels [I] owned, and in a sleeveless dress that was as inappropriate as you could get for the snow storm [I] was in.” She further claims “The fireworks went off at midnight, and I could hear people in the distance cheering. I could feel their excitement about the idea of a new year- new hopes, new dreams, new goals…And then there was me, looking worse than ever, after crying for the better part of 24 hours. I slipped into an alley. I was numb from the blanket of hopelessness and unworthiness I felt…I weakly stood up and hobbled back to the hotel. When I got to the room, he as livid. Maybe it was because he had had too many drinks, or maybe his Instagram post hadn’t gotten the attention he thought it would. Or maybe he was upset because he didn’t know where I was, and for a few hours, he had lost his power over me.”

According to a text from Mike, he was sick on January 4, 2017, even asking Laura Owens if she could bring him food in the hotel room. On January 7, 2017, Laura Owens further acknowledges this by texting “Got your yogurt and the wellness shot.” Mike even states “My throat hurts too much to eat.” After arriving home, Laura Owens texts Mike “I did. I had a great time with you and look forward to more greater and better trips and memories in the future.”


In her Declaration, Stephanie Marraccini, Mike’s sister, states that at no time did Laura Owens ever mention physical abuse at the hands of her brother. She also states that Laura Owens sent her frequent texts and photos while in Iceland and shared she and Mike had turned a corner and was “trilled to be having a wonderful time with him in Iceland.”

PART 2 of 2

Declaration 30: Laura Owens claims in her Declaration 30 that “On January 10, 2017, Mr. Marraccini lost his job.” However, in a text to Mike on January 11, 2017, Laura Owens texts the following, proving Mike quit his job and did not lose his job: “I’m really sorry you had such a bad day 🙁 I’m really proud/inspired by you deciding you didn’t want to go in the direction they wanted you to go in and having the courage to make your own way and create fulfillment in your life.  I know it will pay off.  It’s totally up to you if you want to go to KGO in the morning.  Didn’t mean to pressure you and I completely understand if you don’t want to.”

In her Declaration 30, Laura Owens alleges Mike wanted to isolate Laura Owens from her family. Several texts indicate this is false and that Mike spent time with Laura Owens and her family together. She also claims Mike was said he had lost all motivation, was “constantly angry” and resented her for her successful career. Nothing in the texts support these claims. There is also no evidence in these texts Mike ever said “Your mom doesn’t love you.”

Declaration 31: Laura Owens makes heinous claims about Mike in regard to their sex life. However, texts will show Laura Owens herself was the instigator of more taboo sex, even requesting to have anal and purchasing sex toys for the two of them to use, including one sent in early April 2017, after Mike quit his job. Furthermore, on January 21, 2017, Laura Owens texts “I’m just thinking about how excited I am to blindfold each other tomorrow 🙂 I’m gonna blow your mind.”

Declarations 32-34: Laura Owens asserts in her declaration 32 that in mid-February 2017, she had bruises from an interaction with Mike, which included strangling, bruising of the arm and red spots under her eyes. Opposingly, Mike states in his deposition that ne never put his hands on Laura Owens’s neck, never slapped her, never held a pillow over her face, and never witnessed her lose consciousness during sex. Mike further states the red splotches under Laura Owens’s eyes were prevalent throughout their relationship due lack of sleep (though she took Ambien nightly). Mike has stated elsewhere that Laura Owens would frequently visit the hospital for various issues, including allergies, which were another potential cause of the red splotches.

In his deposition, Mike is asked about Laura Owens’s “Exhibit 5,” which depicts Laura Owens with different undereye red marks, taken May 2017. Mike states he had never seen those marks on her before. As we have seen, Laura Owens fell off her horse in a riding competition in May 2017, but conveniently, no mention of this is made by Laura Owens’s attorney.

Mike goes on to state, in his deposition, that he often saw Laura Owens with bruises on her body. “I would see her with bruises all the time…She rides horses every day, and so she would get bruises. I’m not going to dig into why she gets bruises from riding horses.” When asked how frequently her would see Laura Owens with injuries on her body, Mike responded “In 2017 she was getting injured a lot. She fell off her horse multiple times. One time I was witness to it. One time my family was witness to it, but she had a lot of falls off the horses during all of 2017, especially with her seizures. Her seizure – – I mean, one of the points in time, like, in her texts even a couple days later, she had a huge bruise on the back of her head on – – I don’t even remember where it was – – from falling and hitting her head on the counter after having a seizure. I mean, I wasn’t going to constantly be bringing up how she was getting the bruises.”

Lest us not forget, Laura Owens alleges she was in an Ube accident on April 6, 2017 (later suing Uber and both the driver of her rideshare and the other driver). Almost an entire month after the accident, Laura Owens claims to Mike in a text that she has suffered a seizure, “likely” due to the April 2017 Uber accident.

“I had a seizure on Wednesday night and I’ve never had one in my life.  Didn’t want to tell you cause I didn’t want you to worry.  But it was horrendous.  I thought I was gonna die.  I’ve never had one before.  I hit my head so hard that I was knocked out cold for more than a minute.  Apparently that just takes the lawsuit into a new stratosphere.  I really don’t want to have a seizure again so I hope they’re resolved from that standpoint.  But Joe crotchett said you don’t just randomly start having a seizure at 26 if you’ve never had one before.  So it’s likely something that happened because of the accident.”

Further down, Laura Owens states the bruise on her head is from the aforementioned seizure. Laura Owens never confirms she visited with a doctor after this – only that she received a referral for a neurologist.

Laura Owens claims in texts to have two more seizures in May 2017 (2nd and 23rd), alleging the latter required an ambulance to the hospital. Laura Owens never mentions anything about developing seizures in any capacity in her Declaration or Dasasmi interview.

Laura Owens continues to beg Mike to stay the night with her after developing these “seizures.”

Declaration 35: Here, Laura Owens states Mike “hated” Buttons, Laura Owens’s small poodle, even claiming Mike expressed a desire to “punt” the dog. She also claims that after Buttons was attacked by another dog, resulting in Buttons’ head being shaved and receiving stitches, Mike “complained about how ugly the dog was.” Conversely, in texts, Mike expresses sympathy for Buttons, stating “That’s horrible” and “I can’t believe that [happened].” When expressing in August 2017 that Mike couldn’t have Buttons to his home because he would poop and pee “every 10 minutes,” Laura Owens responded “True,” to which Mike further states “We [can’t] have dogs in our place,” implying a “No Dogs” policy in his apartment building. In early September 2017, Mike texts “How’s Buttons?” Elsewhere, Mike has stated he commented on the size of Buttons, that he was the size of a football and joked that, because of this, he could be punted, contrary to Laura Owens’s claims Mike “wanted to punt the dog.”

Declaration 36: In Declaration 36, Laura Owens claims that “sometime in February 2017, Mr. Marraccini asked me to take (and pay for) a trip to Dubai with him.” However, this is proven to be false in the forensically analyzed texts. In a message sent on or around January 21, 2017, Laura Owens writes “We need to go to Dubai. This deal is actually amazing.” This is the first mention of Dubai in the forensic report. As Mike has stated time and time again, Laura Owens would buy him trips without him knowing. Dubai is another example of just that, contrary to Laura Owens’s claims Mike asked for the trip. Evidence of this is found in the following text exchange on or around January 22, 2017:

Laura Owens: “Can I ask u a serious question?

You’re excited and looking forward to good things ahead though, right? Can’t wait to give you your presents.

We are going to Dubai is your present amongst two other things.”

Mike: “Holy shit…”

As we can see, Mike is completely unaware of a trip to Dubai before Laura Owens’s message. Laura Owens also states in texts on or around February 5, 2017 that she took it upon herself to upgrade their Dubai hotel “quite a bit.” A few days later, further texts make evident the fact Mike knows very little about this trip he “asked for”: “What are the dates for Dubai? My sister and Colin are going to be in Europe.”

On or around February 24, 2017, Laura Owens texts Mike, asking if he’s thought more on Dubai, about whether he’s comfortable with stuff (letting her call him her boyfriend). Mike states “I’m still not. I told you I would tell you if I was.” Again, on or around February 27, 2017, Laura Owens brings up their relationship status, stating if Mike still isn’t comfortable saying he’s “with” her, she may cancel the trip.

During the Dubai trip in early March 2017, Mike’s step-father was put on life support. Upon returning home, Laura Owens texts “I am so sorry you had to come home to this after such a great trip.” In her Declaration 36, though, Laura Owens claimed he verbally and sexually abused her on this trip. There is no mention of ANY type of abuse in Dubai on either the Dasasmi interview or her TedX.

Declaration 38: Laura Owens claims to be suffering from anxiety related to abuse at the hands of Mike in March 2017. While no evidence confirming or denying this claim, the passing of Mike’s step-father, a lifechanging event, occurred. During this time, according to texts, Mike himself was suffering from anxiety. When Mike discusses future financial hardships related to his step-father’s death, Laura Owens offers for him to live with her and to help his family financially, but only if he says he sees her as his future wife.


-Declaration 39: In Declaration 39, Laura Owens claims that in May 2017, Mike’s mother and sister went into her apartment without her permission while she was not home. This statement, as well as text message, prove that Mike’s mother and sister were in town and at least his mom in attendance for Laura Owens’s May 10, 2017 riding competition where she has a huge fall off her horse.

There are no records or proof that Mike copied Laura Owens’s apartment key or ever had a copy in his possession. As stated in texts dating as far back as July 2016, Laura Owens would toss her key out her window to let Mike in, as the apartment was in her sister’s name and Laura Owens could not buzz anyone into the building. In fact, on May 13, 2016, Laura Owens states in a text to Mike “Try to buzz in and the door is unlocked here…I left the door unlocked at my place”


-Declarations 42-43: Here, Laura Owens alleges, in June 2017, she withdrew from the relationship after alleged SA. She also alleges Mike stated he would “work on being better” when she spoke with him about not seeing each other anymore. According to texts, Mike and Laura Owens had an argument on or around June 30, 2017 in which Laura Owens pressured Mike to say he loved her. It’s clear Laura Owens was not trying to leave the relationship. Rather, she was attempting to force Mike to say he loved her. When he didn’t comply, she became upset. She even states “I want to move forward and not loving each other stops that,” “We need to plan a vacay” and in August “I would appreciate the support as my boyfriend.” Some, but not all, messages showing Laura Owens was pursuing a relationship with Mike from July-November 2017 are below:

July 2: “Are you coming over tonight? :kissing_heart:

July 4: “I want romance. I want us to have a romantic fairy tale :)”

July 5: “Let’s do dinner.”

July 7: “Do you want to go to dinner with my parents and them on Sunday at the daily grill?”

July 10: “Trust me. Can you do that? I can’t sleep because of this.”

July 14: “ Just got to din with my parents a few min ago, want to come at 8:30?”

July 15: “Want to come over? I am just walking in.”

July 17: “You could come keep me company.”

July 23: “Miss you…Dinner tomorrow?”

July 25: “You up for nonstop snuggling?”

August 1: “…Because I would appreciate the support as my boyfriend.”

August 15: “I was thinking you were my boyfriend.”

August 17: Laura Owens: “All I keep thinking about is how after a year and five months, you don’t love me…I need to have more self respect than that and realize that’s not good enough for the kind of relationship I want.”

Mike: I understand and am sorry that I’m not on the same level as you.”

September 3: “I miss you :(“

October 7: “Hey Mike, I have been thinking about you a lot and truly miss you. Can we talk tomorrow?”

November 2: “Baby, I miss you”

November 10: “Do you want to watch dateline with me?”

Laura Owens also states in texts “Not feeling like you want to hang out a lot with me anymore.” This, from someone who claims to be distancing herself from the relationship. At or around this time, Laura Owens also claims to be suffering from memory issues, issues so serious that they are “freaking [her] out” in texts to Mike.

Declarations 46-47: In Declarations 46-47, Laura Owens states specific instances in October/November 2017 Mike either “stalked” her at a restaurant or at her apartment, implying she wanted nothing to do with him. As we saw in the aforementioned texts from October/November 2017, not only was Laura Owens engaging with Mike, she says she misses him, wants to speak with him and invites him over to watch an episode of Dateline.

Declaration 49: Here, Laura Owens claims she received a text message from Mike that he saw Laura Owens and her family at a local restaurant. However, Mike’s laptop analysis shows text communication between the two ending on 11/26/17.

Declarations 50-57: Declarations 50-57 claim stalking of Laura Owens by Mike. Mike has stated he believed Laura Owens to be stalking him, possible via the Snapchat app. He states Laura Owens would be “walking by” outside while he was leaving restaurants, not the other way around. In regard to the “mid or late December 2017” event, Mike states Laura Owens’s father gave Mike a hug and said he hoped Mike was doing well. Mike also refutes several of these Declarations in his Deposition.

As to Laura Owens’s Declaration 56 “I have been going to Barry’s Bootcamp…Then in December 2017, Mr. Marraccini joined that gym, even though he does not live in the neighborhood.”, it is shown in texts that Laura Owens shared her Barry’s Bootcamp gym membership with him: “I just double checked with barrys about you using my package…a couple can share one so you’re in!!” In May 2017, Mike texts Laura Owens “Im also going to go cancel my equinox membership.  So you might be seeing me at barry’s quite a bit.” Declaration 56 by Laura Owens claims Mike didn’t join this gym until December 2017. Two months later, on July 21, 2017, Mike offers to pay Laura Owens for the Barry’s membership, to which she responds “Okay!”

Declaration 58: While it is true Laura Owens messaged Mike’s then-girlfriend, saying “Regardless of if you do anything with the information I shared with you, I would be you not to share it with Mike or bring up my name as he truly scares me at this point”, the then-girlfriend *did* bring this up with Mike, even sending the messages to him electronically on January 12, 2018. In fact, Mike’s then-girlfriend did not believe anything Laura Owens claimed in these Facebook messages, which is proven by an email the then-girlfriend sent Mike on January 12, 2017 entitled:

“What To Do If Falsely Accused – Criminal Law Lawyer Source”

“Most of this stuff you already know but this site has good, practical information. Also, screenshot any photos she might have with you that would show evidence against her claim. Try and capture all that information before she takes it down.

I quickly looked at her FB page and she still has this up of you two. It goes against her timeline of “abuse”… (FB post: “Tune in to KGO to hear Michael Marraccini and me on a live with Ronn Ow3ns [Public Figure] at 11:30am! We have been working very hard to launch our new show, “We Need to Talk” and can’t wait to discuss that, amongst other topics (like Valentine’ Day!) on the show.

Declarations 59-62: These declarations address an interaction between Laura Owens, Mike and his sister on the evening of January 7, 2018. Laura Owens’s account is that, after having dinner with her parents, she encountered Mike and his sister – that they were standing in the middle of the sidewalk and staring at her. “Mr. Marraccini yelled at me, ‘Are you kidding me?!’ Then his sister called me a psychopath. Laura Owens claims more yelling occurred and that she told Mike to “stay away” from her, that she was going to seek a restraining order. However, her account of events is refuted by Mike and his sister’s own Declarations. His sister states Laura Owens was the one yelling and scream obscenities at Mike.

Laura Owens’s claims in Declaration 60 and 61 are that Laura Owens claims that 1AM on January 8, 2018, she received a call from the police in which they stated they’d received an email from Mike about the Facebook messages Laura Owens had sent to Mike’s then-girlfriend.  She claims they asked if they could come to her apartment to make a report on her domestic violence claims.

Mike did call the police that night- to file a report against Laura Owens for her stalking of him and harassment of his sister and himself that evening. This is supported by Mike’s siter’s Declaration.

 *A picture of the police taking Mike’s statement and the report number are in supporting evidence provided in the Dropbox link for this post.*

Declaration 61 states: “The next day, I was afraid to leave my house. I didn’t know what to do, so I contacted the Sherriff and asked for help figuring out how to get a restraining order. I also spoke with someone from the District Attorney’s Office that day. They asked if I wanted to file criminal charges, but I said no.” Interestingly, this is not at all what Laura Owens claimed happened in her Dasasmi interview. On Dasasmi, she states:

“So one night, after this had happened, [referring to the interaction the evening of Sunday, January 7, 2018], I thought, ‘I’ve had enough. Here’s what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna end this right now. I’m gonna go to the police station and they’re gonna just say to me, “Oh my God, thank God, thank God you came for help.” you know, “We’ve got this.” So I went to the police station – I’m, just, bawling. I mean, I look like a shadow of myself. And when I went up to the police originally, it was like, okay, you know, you’re gonna have to wait for a bit. I’m waiting, I’m waiting…an hour and a half goes by, I go up to the front and I’m like, ‘Hey, is somebody coming out soon?’ Finally, a JUNIOR officer comes out and he’s like, “Hey, you know, I just read your story and you know, it just kinda sounds like he’s an asshole. So, do you want me to drive you home?” And I said, ‘But wait, I really, I need, whatever this temporary order is that you can issue, can I please have that? And he’s like, “Well, you know, it’s the weekend, and that’s pretty difficult to get, so, um, you know, maybe just wait until Monday and, uh, try to go to the courthouse and get an order or something.” So I left feeling awful. I was shocked because I thought once you went to the police, that was really it, that they really would take it from there. And that was not my experience.”

Let’s do a comparison:

                –Declaration: Too afraid to leave house. Called Sherriff’s office and DA.

Dasasmi: Physically went to police station, wasn’t afraid for her life, had to wait 1.5hrs, wasn’t taken seriously, told had to wait until Monday to get OOP

At no point throughout these text messages does Mike ever threaten to harm Laura Owens. He shows he wants help her, not harm her.

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To view a comprehensive list of all documents related to Laura Owens, click here

FDV-18-813693 (Restraining Order against Marraccini)



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