Clayton Echard

Clayton Echard


In May 2023, Laura Owens contacted Clayton Echard via LinkedIn, seeking his assistance with a real estate transaction. She sent Clayton promiscuous images and flirtatious text messages, resulting in Clayton inviting her over, on May 20, 2023. That evening, Laura and Clayton engaged in oral sex. Both had taken THC gummies. The following day, Echard informed Owens he wished to maintain a purely professional relationship. After seeing Laura’s incredibly intense reaction to this news, Clayton felt uncomfortable even pursuing a professional relationship with Laura and asked a colleague to take over the deal.

Ten days after their encounter, Owens sent Echard a picture of a positive pregnancy test, initially claiming she was pregnant with his child. She later asserted she was expecting twins. Despite over 500 texts, calls emails and using over 10 different phone numbers and email addresses to contact Clayton, Owens repeatedly proposed “dating contracts,” stipulating she would terminate the pregnancy if Clayton agreed to date her exclusively. Clayton declined her offers. Clayton is at least the second man known publicly to have received a dating contract from Laura. Greg Gillespie is the other recipient.

In August 2023, Owens filed a paternity case against Echard in Arizona’s Maricopa County Family Court. By October 2023, both Owens and Echard had obtained Orders of Protection against one another. During a court appearance on November 2, 2023, Owens claimed to be 24 weeks pregnant, but by December 2023, she stated she was no longer pregnant.

On February 21, 2024, Owens asserted she had lost the pregnancy in “September or October” of the previous year and requested dismissal of the case, which was subsequently denied. Laura’s motion to seal her deposition was also denied, and the judge ordered the release of her medical records from August 2020 to February 2024. An evidentiary hearing was scheduled for June 10, 2024.

In an attempt to evade deposition and compel Clayton to drop the case, Owens threatened to sue Echard for $1.4 million, alleging damages of over $1.2 million due to her property offers being mishandled. Clayton persisted in pursuing the case to establish paternity and sought legal fees and sanctions.

On June 10, 2024, a two-hour hearing was held. Owens committed perjury multiple times on the stand and accused Clayton of raping her on May 20, 2023. However, this claim has never been substantiated in any way, and Owens herself chose not to press charges. One week later, on June 18, 2024, Judge Julie Mata ruled in favor of Clayton Echard and recommended Laura Owens be referred to the Maricopa County Attorney for further investigation. Judge Mata also ruled that Laura is responsible for paying Clayton’s legal fees, amounting to $149,219.76. There is currently an active investigation into Laura’s felonious actions. 

Clayton has stayed steadfast in his detailed recounting of events on May 20, 2023. Meanwhile, Laura’s version? Let’s just say it’s evolved more times than a chameleon at a disco party.

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Here is the timeline for Clayton’s interactions with Laura Owens:


April 3: Clayton Echard announces publicly via Instagram he has become a real estate agent in the Phoenix/Scottsdale areas

May 9: Laura Owens registers LizMax Investments LLC with her mother (called “Elizabeth Owens” on the filing) in Phoenix, AZ for the purpose of purchasing real estate

May 10: The Owens family takes out a $199K HELOC loan

May 12: The Owens family takes out a $1.2M second mortgage loan

May 17: Laura contacts Clayton on LinkedIn, inquiring about real estate properties

May 20: After a flirtatious exchange of text messages—during which Clayton claims Laura sent at least one racy photo—he invites her over. Both partake in THC gummies. Clayton has unwaveringly stated only oral sex occurred this evening. Laura later claims Clayton raped her, but she refrained from pressing charges (source)

May 21: While viewing properties the next day, Clayton tells Laura hooking up the night before was a “mistake” and he wanted their relationship to remain strictly professional. Laura begins to cry uncontrollably. She wants to pursue a relationship, but at the very least, to have Clayton be her real estate agent. No paperwork claiming to be Laura’s real estate agent was ever signed (source)

May 22: Clayton feels uncomfortable with Laura’s behavior and declines to be her real estate agent. He then transfers Laura to another agent (source)

May 25: Laura incessantly contacts Clayton, which prompts Clayton to threaten calling the police and block Laura’s phone number (source)

May 30: Laura claims to have taken a pregnancy test at a medical facility that yielded a negative result (source)

May 31: Laura takes an at-home pregnancy (hCG) text. After initially claiming it yielded a negative result (source), she later states a faint positive line was present (source)

June 1: Laura visits Banner Urgent Care in Scottsdale, AZ. 11 days after giving Clayton two blow jobs, Laura produces a positive hCG test. She sends the results to Clayton (source)

June 4: Clayton contacts Laura’s mother (Jan Black/Elizabeth Naylor/Elizabeth Owens), requesting to speak on the phone. Jan states Clayton needs to give the relationship a chance before she’d be willing to speak with him (source)

June 17: Clayton agrees to meet with Laura. He then asks her to take an hCG test, with which she complies. The result is positive (source)

June 21: When confronted with evidence anti-seizure medication can cause a false positive hCG test, Laura disagrees. It’s in this email Clayton first states only oral sex occurred the evening of May 20th (source)

June 23: The Owens family takes out a $350K HELOC loan.

June 27: Chicken Soup for the Soul publishes Laura’s “Iceland” story – “Strangers on a Plane and the Lifesaving Power of Kindness.Chicken Soup for the Soul has sense deleted this article in their online publication

July 1: Laura emails Clayton, stating having sex with her is the safest thing he can do [as she is already pregnant with his child]. She also stated she would have an abortion only if he agreed to give a relationship with her a chance (source)

July 2: Laura reaches out to Clayton’s parents via email, inviting them to attend an ultrasound appointment (source). In her affidavit dated April 16, 2024, Laura asserts she visited Planned Parenthood in Mission Viejo with her mother on July 2, 2023 (source). In a response to Clayton’s legal counsel, Planned Parenthood confirms that while Laura did have an appointment scheduled for July 2, she canceled it (source). During her testimony at the trial on June 10, Laura altered her narrative, claiming instead that she had gone to a Planned Parenthood in LA on that day (source*All Planned Parenthood locations in LA are closed on Sundays*

July 10: Laura sends Clayton a photo of her alleged ultrasound from Planned Parenthood (image)

July 19-23: Laura competes in multiple events at the Blenheim Summer Festival on her horse Scirocco 91 (image) (source)

July 23: Laura, along with her attorney David Gingras, states she passed two “less than hand-sized fetal sacs” on this date. Laura reportedly consulted a telehealth doctor, who advised her that an in-person visit was unnecessary. Additionally, Laura claims to have texted photos of the fetal sacs to her sister Sarah and to her own doctor. In later filings, Laura claimed that she and her sister, Sarah Navarro, deleted these images and declined to provide any evidence of them during the discovery process (source)

July 24: Laura claims to have schedule an appointment with OB/GYN Dr. Joshua Makhoul. No proof of this appointment has ever been provided (source)

July 31: Laura files a police report with Scottsdale PD, stating Clayton has been “threatening, intimidating, verbally abusing, endangering, and extorting her”. When the responding officer suggests Clayton’s number, Laura doesn’t want to because she “wants to know what [Clayton is] thinking” (source)

August 1: After Clayton continually states he will be no part of raising a child or children with her, Laura files a Petition to Establish Paternity against Clayton in Maricopa County Family Court

August 3: To further damage his reputation, Laura emails the Arizona Suicide Prevention Hope Conference in hopes of having Clayton removed as a guest speaker (source)

• August 8: Laura files her initial “Motion to Communicate” and Child Support Worksheet

• August 14: Laura cancels her appointment with Dr. Makhoul for the following day, stating she has Covid (source)

• August 17: Laura emails Clayton, warning that she will be filing a “Motion to Contempt” if he does not agree to meet up with her privately (image)

• August 21: Clayton files his Response to Petition to Establish Paternity

• August 23: Laura scheduled, then canceled both hers and Clayton’s DNA tests with Ravgen. Laura canceled without Clayton’s knowledge (source). Laura also files a Motion for ContemptThe Motion for Contempt is later denied

• August 27: Owens completes 4 Hour Co-Parenting and Divorce Class and files Parent Education Certificate with the Family Court (source)

• August 29: Laura files a second Motion to Communicate

• September 11: Owens emails a reporter from the New York Post about her ongoing “paternity scandal” with former “The Bachelor” lead Clayton Echard (source, pgs 26-28)

• September 13: Newly created Reddit account u/Training-Trade4145 attempts to post four threads entitled “Clayton scandal?!”, “..the dad?!?!“, “Clayton…the dad?!” and Clayton…the dad?!” on the subreddit r/BachelorNation. Two days later, the account again attempts to post multiple times about the “Clayton scandal” in a different subreddit: r/thebachelor. All posts were removed by moderators

• September 14: Laura files an Expedited Motion to Seal Court Record, stating “the media outlets New York Post and Page Six have expressed interest in publicizing the case.”

• September 15: Arizona Real Estate Department sends Clayton a notice stating he violated realtor conduct. This is a direct result of a complaint Laura filed against him one month prior. They issued Clayton a “non-disciplinary letter” and closed the case (image)

• September 18: Laura goes to The Sun and Medium with an anonymous article. This was released the 2nd day of Echard filming a new pickleball show called Pickleball Paddle Battle (source)

• September 21: Laura posts “I am the anonymous woman in the Clayton scandal. Here’s the proof. Here’s my story:” on Reddit with a link to her original Medium article (which has since been deleted). The Dropbox link she provides on Reddit contains photos of her pregnant belly and texts/emails from Echard. Laura later denies, in an OOP hearing against Clayton, that only Clayton had the Dropbox link

• September 21: As Laura claimed Clayton never paid for his Ravgen test, Clayton posts an Instagram story of his Ravgen receipt. Clayton also posts that he is aware of other victims with identical accusations against Laura

• September 22: Fortify Legal Services sends a cease and desist letter to Clayton regarding the aforementioned Instagram story

• September 22: Laura calls Scottsdale PD regarding Clayton’s alleged Reddit activity. Her mother, Jan Black, can be heard in the background saying, in reference to Clayton, “Honey, he’s a joke” (source)

• September 26: Clayton files a  Petition for Injunction Against Harassment against Laura Michelle Owens

• September 27: Clayton takes his paternity test with Ravgen. Laura is photographed competing in an Equestrian jumping competition while allegedly 20 weeks pregnant with Clayton’s twins. Her belly appears flat, with the exception of an inflatable safety vest (Reddit) (McCool Photography)

• October 6: Upon receiving the results of his Ravgen paternity test, Clayton announces “little to no fetal DNA” on his Instagram reels. Laura claims the results are “ongoing” and records a call with “Brett from Ravgen” to support her claims

• October 6: Laura files OOP against Clayton and contacts the Scottsdale PD to report online harassment, in response to Clayton’s “little to no fetal DNA” Instagram reel (OOP Part 1 | OOP Part 2) (Hearing) (Police call)

• October 7: Laura contacts the Scottsdale PD stating that Greg Gillespie is behind Reddit accounts that are posting negative and harassing comments aimed at her (Police report)

• October 8: Laura contacts the Scottsdale PD for a second time, stating that Greg Gillespie is behind Reddit accounts that are posting negative and harassing comments aimed at her (Police report)

• October 9: Laura again contacts the Scottsdale PD stating that Greg Gillespie is behind Reddit accounts that are posting negative and harassing comments aimed at her (Police report)

• October 10: Laura contacts the Scottsdale PD stating that she was “violated cyberly,” but does not state by whom (Police report)

• October 11: Chase Jay Jones, an alleged black Journalism student from Howard University posts a video of Clayton dancing to their YouTube channel, to accompany a letter sent to the media claiming Clayton Echard is racist. “Chase Jay Jones” has since been proven to be linked to Laura Michelle Owens (video) (Reddit)

• October 13: Dave Neal reports that on October 11th, Laura had circulated her alleged sonogram video to Clayton as well as to the media. This video was later proven to be an edited 6 year old sonogram from an unrelated blogger. Several issues were found with the ultrasound video (source). Laura later claims her victim Greg Gillespie hacked into her account and released the fake sonogram.

• October 16: Laura takes an hCG test, producing a 102 mIU/mL result. This does not align with her claims of being 21+ weeks pregnant

• October 16: Chase Jay Jones posts a second video of Clayton dancing to their YouTube channel, to accompany their letter sent to the media claiming Clayton Echard is racist. Again, “Chase Jay Jones” has since been proven to be linked to Laura Michelle Owens (video) (Reddit)

• October 19: Laura sends Dave Neal a cease and desist letter for his coverage of her story (source)

• October 19: Laura Owens calls the Scottsdale PD to report an OOP by Clayton for posting the October 6th “little to no fetal DNA” Instagram story (source). Clayton’s OOP was not active until October 17th 

• October 24: The first hearing for the “Echard vs. Owens” Injunction Against Harassment (IAH) case takes place (Hearing) . Laura appears virtually, while her lawyer and Clayton, who is self-representing at the time, appear in court. Judge Gialketsis determines that the hearing must continue on November 2nd because Laura’s lawyer neglected to give Clayton materials in advance

• October 25: The “Owens vs. Echard” Order of Protection (OOP) hearing takes place (Hearing). Laura, visibly pregnant, physically appears in court. Judge Doody upholds the OOP against Clayton, citing a costume image posted on Reddit as a key reason. Clayton denies uploading the image, while Laura claims he’s the only one who could have done so, omitting that she made her Dropbox public, allowing many Reddit users and the public access. Two weeks later, Laura states in a police report that Greg Gillespie uploaded the image (Police report) (The Gillespie Connection). An individual known with in the JFC Community has come forward and claimed ownership of the image in question

• October 26: Laura files a temporary restraining order against Dave Neal, but the judge denies the request, citing First Amendment concerns.

• November 1: Laura contacts the Scottsdale PD, claiming that she’s being stalked and harassed online, and that she suspects it’s either Greg or Clayton. She also states somebody tried to break into her rental property (implying Greg or Clayton) (Police report)

• November 2: The second hearing for the “Echard v Owens” Injunction Against Harassment takes place (Hearing). Clayton retained Deandra Arena of Woodnick Law. Laura appears virtually. During cross-examination, Owens states she is 24 weeks pregnant and had seen her OB/GYN the previous Friday. She is observed drinking a Monster energy drink during the hearing. Clayton claims Owens caused him to lose speaking engagements and reported him to the Real Estate Commission. Judge Gialketsis rules in favor of Clayton, citing the 500+ messages and emails he received from Owens after he had asked her to stop contacting him and blocked her (source)

• November 3: Dave Neal is served a lawsuit from Laura alleging harassment and revenge porn. The photo cited by Laura as revenge porn was shared by Laura herself in her public Dropbox “evidence” folder, which, again, was sent to various media outlets, as well as on Reddit (source)

• November 6: A video emerges showing Laura’s alleged baby bump moving noticeably during the court hearing against Clayton, just 27 days after she was photographed in public with a flat belly

• November 9: An Arizona judge throws out Owens’ suit for emotional damage against Greg Gillespie (source). This same day, it’s discovered that Laura Owens has filed an Application/Petition for Name Change to change her name to “Emily Laura Wilson”

• November 10: Laura files a police report (#23-20074) against Greg Gillespie for allegedly violating his Order of Protection by posting her private information on Reddit under various alt accounts. However, detectives find no evidence to support her claims and close the investigation (source)

• November 14: Laura mass emails podcasters, threatening to sue for defamation if they cover the case without giving her a platform (source). Several YouTubers and podcasters have extend invitations to Laura. However, she’s declined every. single one.

• November 14: Laura attends an appointment with MomDoc. She takes an hCG test that “confirms she’s no longer pregnant” (source)

• November 17: A YouTuber named SchnitzelNinja posts the first of several court hearings involving Laura Owens (November 2, 2023 Hearing). Laura later has this publicly available video removed from YouTube. However, YouTube reinstates the video, finding no violations of YouTube policy

• December 4: The paternity case’s status becomes inactive as nothing new has been filed (source)

• December 5: Law Talk with Mike makes his first video about the case, entitled “Who’s Your Daddy?” He later invites Laura to share her story. She declines the offer and has this video removed from YouTube

• December 6: A second DNA test confirms “little to no fetal DNA” as reported by Dave Neal. This is the third test taken by Owens. However, the second test was “lost in transit” and was never tested. It is around this time Laura submits her criminal complaint against Dave with the Los Angeles District Attorney

• December 8: Laura reports Clayton to the Scottsdale PD for cyberly violating his OOP

• December 12: Echard files the Expedited Motion to Extend Dismissal Date on Inactive Calendar and Schedule an Evidentiary Hearing to determine if Laura is actually pregnant, and if so, establish or disprove his paternity.

• December 12: A concerned friend calls the Scottsdale PD to report Laura’s threats of suicide in her December 8th Medium article. Though the officers execute a site visit, neither sees Laura during their time at her residence

• December 13: The subreddit r/JusticeforClayton is created by user mamasnanas

• December 16: Chase J. Jones submits a Declaration in Support of Motion to Quash Subpoena to have their subpoena quashed in the “Owens v Neal” case. “Chase” has refused to FaceTime with Dave or his lawyer to confirm their identity 

• December 20: Laura posts two videos- one of Dave Neal’s exclusive Patreon content discussing Laura and an over 6 minute long public video of herself to her Facebook profile (videos). Laura’s video discusses alleged cyberbullying, complaints of Reality Steve calling her a “dumbass” and Dave Neal’s coverage of her and the case

• December 25: Laura Owens sends a cease and desist letter to YouTuber Liz Neptune over a video Laura posted on Facebook that was used by another creator in a TikTok. Although that creator is not affiliated with Neptune, Laura claims to have proof of a connection. This proof has never been provided After a brief email exchange, Neptune tells Laura to stop contacting her. Owens then reports the correspondence as harassment to Neptune’s local sheriff’s department (video)

• December 28: Laura hires Alexis Lindvall, Esq. to represent her in the paternity case against Clayton. They file Laura’s Motion to Dismiss Petition to Establish Paternity, Legal Decision-Making, Parenting Time, and Child Support With Prejudice. Laura claims to be “not now pregnant” (video)


• January 2: A new article about the case is published in The Sun. Laura doubles down on her previous claims

• January 2: Laura contacts Scottsdale PD in regard to Clayton’s comments to The Sun, stating it was a violation of his OOP (Police report)

• January 2: Laura files an Expedited Motion to Quash Deposition in the paternity case. Laura’s lawyer, Alexis Lindvall, files a Motion to Withdraw as Counsel for Petitioner with Client Consent, just one week after agreeing to represent Laura. Laura then hires Cory Keith.

• January 17: Laura fails to appear for her deposition (source).

• January 18: Laura claims to have been receiving harassing phone calls and reports them to the Scottsdale PD (Police report)

• January 26: Laura files the Articles of Organization for a company named Stylete LLC in Arizona. The Character of Business is listed as “Retail Trade”

• February 2: Clayton attends his deposition. In an unprecedented move, Laura attends as well (source)

• February 6: Clayton’s lawyer files expedited motion to continue trial and motion for additional trial time (source)

• February 7: A Facebook account named Lisa Chen/Lisa Cheng posts harassing messages about Laura. Laura reports them to the Scottsdale PD (Police call)

• February 12: Clayton’s legal team files Expedited Motion to Set Virtual Status Conference.

• February 14: This is Laura’s alleged due date. She writes a Medium blogpost about it.

• February 14: Laura called the Scottsdale PD to report alleged online harassment. She then asks for her call to be removed from public record. The 911 operator informs her 911 calls are public record (Police call)

• February 16: Laura’s Motion to Quash Deposition is denied (source)

• February 21: At the February 21st Status Conference, for which both Laura and Clayton are physically present, the Judge denies Laura’s Motion to Seal and Dismiss and approves Clayton’s Expedited Motion to Continue Trial. Laura is also required to give a deposition (March 1). A hearing date of June 10th is set (source)

• February 27: Laura emails Clayton’s attorney, Gregg Woodnick, circumventing her own counsel, asserting her intent to sue Clayton for $1.4 million for breaches of contractual and fiduciary duties, as well as emotional distress. She states if Clayton drops the family court case, she’ll refrain from suing him (source). Gregg Woodnick states in an email that three of the doctors Laura has claimed to have seen for her pregnancy have stated they have never seen a patient with the name of “Laura Owens.”

• March 1: Laura’s deposition takes place. It is during this deposition Laura admits to Clayton’s legal team she altered at least one medical case document via Adobe Acrobat, claiming the ultrasound was produced by Southwest Medical Imaging. This is a Class 4 felony

• March 2024: Laura starts a company called Keybacker, seemingly with her sister Sarah Navarro- a business that offers loans at an incredibly high interest rate

• March 7: Clayton releases a press statement exposing Laura’s medical document tampering

• March 11: Clayton’s legal team files a Motion to Compel. The motion states Laura claimed to have passed two fetal sacks and had sent her sister Sarah and a telehealth doctor the images. Laura refused to turn these files over during the discovery period

• March 12: Cory Keith files a Motion to Withdraw as Attorney of Record for Petitioner with Client Consent, dropping Laura as a client

• March 25: Clayton’s legal team files a Motion for Joint Hearing Pursuant to Rule 5(a)(4).

• March 26: Laura retains David Gingras for legal counsel

• April 1: After Laura’s Motion for Extension of Time was denied by Judge Mata, the April 1st deadline passed

• April 3: Clayton’s legal team files a Motion to Withdraw Motion for Sanctions Pursuant to Rule 26

April 8: David Gingras files a Motion to Compel Lunch and for Alternative Relief. The motion is denied

April 9: Clayton’s Motion to Compel is granted

April 10: Laura’s bar complaint against Gregg Woodnick is released

April 24: Dave Neal files a bar complaint against David Gingras. The complaint is dismissed

April 25: A Fiverr logo is found on an alleged “100% real” ultrasound of Laura’s. A recording between Laura and victim Greg Gillespie proves said ultrasound was sent by Laura to Greg. Finally, two different copies of the same October 16, 2023 HCG test show two vastly different levels (video)

April 26: Clayton’s Motion for Joint Hearing is granted

April 30: David Gingras files a Motion in Limine in an attempt to keep victims Michael Marraccini and Greg Gillespie from testifying on June 10, 2024. The motion is denied

May 1: Laura’s bar complaint against her previous counsel, Alexis Lindvall, is released. The complaint was dismissed

May 2: Multiple texts between Laura and Michael Marraccini prove Laura faked having ovarian cancer and an oophorectomy (ovary removal). We later learn Laura claims this occurred while allegedly pregnant with Marraccini’s twins (video)

May 3: Laura submits an affidavit to the court stating the messages were never sent by her and are obviously fake

May 4: Individuals in the JFC community launch a fundraiser to have Michael Marraccini’s laptop forensically analyzed, raising over $3,600 (video)

May 7: The forensic report proves the fake cancer texts and images came from Laura’s phone number

May 10: David Gingras has a phone conversation with the Arizona State Bar regarding Dave Neal’s bar complaint (source)

May 24:  The Tilted Lawyer begins covering the case on YouTube, even offering Laura a chance to tell her side of the story. Laura declines

May 28: Laura posts a new Medium blog discussing cyberbullying. The blog is hosted on David Gingras’ own website

May 31: Evidence proving Chase J. Jones is directly tied to Laura M. Owens comes to light, linking Chase’s Google account with Laura’s phone number (video)

June 3: Both Megan Fox and YouTuber Lauren Neidigh are contacted by an individual named “Tag” – an ex-boyfriend of Laura’s. After extensive consideration, it is believed “Tag” is Laura

June 10: Directly before this paternity case hearing, David Gingras calls the Phoenix PD (Police report) to report Michael Marraccini being in violation of his restraining order. As presiding judge July Mata had previously ruled Michael could testify and Michael was a subpoenaed witness, the police find no violation has occurred

June 10: The paternity case hearing takes place at Dreamy Draw Justice Court in Phoenix, AZ. The presiding judge is the Honorable Julie Mata. Both Michael Marraccini and Greg Gillespie are present, with their significant others. Due to the volume of spectators, many are sent to an overflow room. While on the stand, Laura Owens commits perjury numerous times. Clayton Echard stays steadfast in his recounting of events. After just under 2 hours, the hearing is adjourned. (Livestream) (Official Court Video) (June 10 Transcript)

June 11: Laura calls the Scottsdale PD, claiming that all three men (Clayton, Greg and Michael) have violated their OOPs. Again, the police find no violations have occurred (Police report)

June 18: Judge Julie Mata submits her Minute Entry: Under Advisement Ruling and rules in favor of Clayton, stating it’s her belief Laura was never pregnant. Judge Mata also finds that Laura has a “similar, if not identical pattern” of behavior with prior victims. She refers Laura to the Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell for potential charges of Fraud and Falsifying Medical Records, both of which are Class 4 Felonies. The investigation is ongoing, as stated by Rachel Mitchell in response to a question about the case by 12 News’ Bianca Buono

June 18: Laura falsely claims videos posted by YouTuber SchnitzelNinja are copyright violations. As a result, YouTube removes the videos.

June 19: Laura writes yet another Medium blog, this time complaining about Judge Mata

June 20: Laura Owens posts about Judge Mata on her Nobody Told Me podcast Facebook page

June 21: Laura writes another Medium blog post, discussing her relationship with Michael Marraccini.

June 22: Laura Owens writes her third Medium blog in a 4-day span, discussing how Clayton lied to her in regard to the real estate offer he claimed to have submitted on her behalf

June 24: Clayton Echard announces that he is started a podcast, focusing on “real men having real discussions.” Laura posts, you guessed it, another Medium blog post, once again attacking Judge Mata, Clayton Echard, the JFC community

June 25: Surprise! Laura writes another blog, discussing daily cyberbullying by the “JFC Cult”

June 28: Clayton Echard appears on 12 News, the local NBC affiliate, to discuss the paternity case and his milestone victory in court

July 8: David Gingras files a Notice of Change of Judge for Cause and Memorandum & Affidavit (Exhibits) (June 10 Transcript)

July 8: Clayton Echard’s legal team files their Application for Attorneys’ Fees & Costs, requesting $154,242.76

July 11: Clayton’s legal team files their Response to Notice of Change of Judge for Cause

July 12: David Gingras files: Motion to Vacate Judgment, Motion for New Trial, Motion to Alter/Amend Judgment, and Motion for Leave to Exceed Page Limits

July 18: Clayton Echard guests on Reality Steve’s podcast to discuss the past year’s saga and legal cases

July 22: Laura’s Chicken Soup for the Soul entry has been removed from their online publication

August 5: The Maricopa County Attorney’s office posts on X, stating: “We have received a number of inquiries from the public concerning the matter involving Laura Owens. Here is the updated status: Upon receiving the minute entry from the superior court judge, this office began an investigation into the matter. Because of the volume of information, any investigation, done correctly, is going to take time. We are working diligently to review the materials and will release results when it is appropriate to do so.”

August 13: The Honorable Ronda R. Fisk denies Laura’s Notice of Change of Judge for Cause

August 14: Several YouTube content creators, including Dave Neal, That Umbrella Guy, and Lauren Neidigh announce Laura has tried to claim copyright infringement for an image they’ve used. YouTube denies all 3 of her claims

• September 17: Laura writes a Medium blog claiming to have Autism. She blames all of her behavior over the past year on being autistic and takes no accountability whatsoever for her actions

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The following is a comprehensive list of interviews Clayton has given in regard to the case and his abuse at the hands of Laura Michelle Owens:


To view a comprehensive list of all documents related to Laura Owens, click here

FC2023-052114 (Owens v. Echard | Paternity case against Echard)



FC2023-052771 (Owens v Echard: OOP Against Echard)



CV2023-053952 (Echard v Owens | OOP Against Owens)



SchnitzelNinja Hearings:

FC2023-052114 (Owens v Echard)

FC2023-052771 (Owens v Echard | OOP)

CV2023-053952 (Echard v Owens | OOP)